Monday, November 8, 2010

Week #15

Monday - Ran 5 miles

I ran at Rob's lunch and thankfully avoided the rain. It was sunny when I started, but it has been in and out all day. It started pouring buckets about five minutes after I returned home. I hate taking so much time off. But I was happy I felt pretty strong after the first mile. I did my regular five mile run to Sumpter Park.

No pain anywhere and my stomach is fine. I am only going to concentrate on running this week. I am hoping to do some easy cross training (probably just a walk or easy bike ride on the stationary bike) this week. This is my last huge week before the taper. I am pretty sure I can do my 20 mile run on Friday. I am ready for it! Bring it on!

Tuesday - Ran 5 miles

I ran during Rob's lunch again. Bad weather. Cold, windy, and rainy. It's been in the 40's which is a little bit cooler for November in Oregon. The wind was fairly strong. I was in rain part of the time, but not any downpours so it was manageable. My hands were cold, but the rest of me was fine. I ran on Boone so I could some hills and then just up Commerical to Fabry and then back. I was surprised how hard the hills on Boone were today. Last time I ran them, I felt much stronger. I almost walked up the last one. It was a mix of the wind, cold, and the fact I have not been as consistent with running the last two and a half weeks.

Wednesday - Ran 5 miles

Three days in a row. Again during Rob's lunch. I did Monday's route, but I ran the opposite way. The weather was better today. No wind. Barely any rain...just a mist in the air. I felt a little tired, but not like yesterday. I am glad I feel much more motivated this week. Nothing is hurting or injured. I am hoping it can stay that way.

Thursday - Rest

Nice break! I needed it.

Friday - Ran 20 miles!!!

It was a nice sunny day. I thought of saving the 20 miler for Sunday. I was not sure if this weather would last. And today worked better with Rob's schedule. The temperature was perfect. The sign by Mc Donalds said it was 54 degrees and the billboard said 49 degrees so it was around that. I wore my long sleeve marathon shirt and Nike shorts. I went from periods of being too hot and then too cold and then hot again. I did a 12 mile loop, stopped at home very briefly to fill up my water bottle and grab another pack of gu, and then did my 8 mile loop. I started out feeling really good. By around mile #6, I started to feel fatigued. I stopped and walked up the Battlecreek hill. I was actually pretty nervous about this run. I think because my 20 milers were really tough when I trained for Portland. I am pretty sure it was a mix of nerves and stomach issues. And maybe I had not eaten enough? I ran up the Fox Haven hill and Landau hill without walking and feeling fine so I thought it was more nerves. By Mile #10 my stomach was acting up. I stopped at Circle K to go to the bathroom. After that, no more stomach issues. I was fine.

The best part of the run for me today was Mile #12 - #14. Yes, there is such thing as a second wind. I felt great. Started to get more fatigued by Mile #15, but kept myself moving. I found it almost harder to stop and walk and then start up again. I was doing better slowing my pace down. Once I started to walk, it was hard to get my legs going again into a run. I did about ten minute miles so I was happy with how it went overall. I only stopped to walk four or five times for one to two minutes. I did not feel as strong as my 19 miler. I think my body is still recovering from the intestinal thing last week.

Saturday - I rested. My body felt shot. I was so fatigued all I day. I did not get done half the stuff done I was supposed to. I guess I cannot expect anything more from myself. The soreness and fatigue was starting to feel better by 6 PM.

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