Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Last week and beginning of this one

I did not post at all last week.  Last week was very similar to the week before.  Tracy and I ran in the dark again on Monday.  We were a bit faster and I got around five miles.  There was a slight rain in the air as well.  Welcome to fall.  On Tuesday I went to Power and Wednesday to swim.  I have been keeping track of my laps and it about the same every time...although I believe our swim was shorter.  We were out of the pool about five minutes early.  On Thursday I had every intention of going to Power.  When it was just me and no accountability to meet someone I cave into sleeping in.  I had youth group the night before and was not home until 9.  I was pretty tired.  Even still, I hate the rush of trying to get ready by 7 AM while waking up at 6:40.  Not sure if I should just not try to exercise at all Thursday mornings or really push myself to get there.  On Friday I did get to Ride which was very very good.  We camped all weekend on the coast and I had no planned on exercising at all.  If someone would have wanted to go running or hiking, I would have joined them.  For the most part it was relaxing and sitting on the beach which I was more than OK with.  I did roller blade with some of the kids.  We got home Sunday and I was utterly exhausted.  I went to bed at 8:50 PM and slept hard all night long.  I went running with Tracy.  She had some stomach issues and had to stop around 3 miles.  I looped around and did 4 miles and offered to drive her home, but she made it home OK run/walking.  The run was kind of a bust for both of us because I felt tired and fatigued.  I was glad I got out there anyway.  I probably would have been crabby around the kids had I not gotten up and run.  Then today we met up at Power.  We hardly got to talk because I was late and she had to leave early.  It is so nice to going to Power with someone--the accountability is enough to get me there.  I would have slept in had she not made plans.  It was one of those mornings I had no desire to go.  The workout was pretty hard and I struggled.  I had a better morning because of it I probably would not have had.

Eating wise I am doing OK.  We're at the end of our groceries so that often present challenging food choices.  Even camping we ate really well.  There was a good variety of food and tons of fruits and veggies.  I actually slept OK camping--the first night was better than the second.  My sleep has been pretty normal.

Hailey had a stomach bug and then got a cough and cold.  No one else got anything which surprised me.  I thought at least one other person would get the bug as it has been going around the junior high.  We've all been pretty healthy as of right now.  My anxiety has also been very mild.  I have not had any major bad days since one bad day in August.  I will have little minor panic episodes that are not paralyzing or anything-- I do have to either journal or talk through them.  I have not had any in the past week or so.  I would say the summer to fall transition as a whole for all of five us was the smoothest it has ever been.  I remember being so stressed and tired the first two weeks of September last year and the year before.  It just has been much easier.  I am grateful for that!

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