Monday, November 4, 2013

11/4 - 11/11

Monday - Ran 5 miles

I had planned on going to the Track Workout.  It was lighter this morning.  I really just wanted to run alone.  I wanted to be alone in my own thoughts and not run laps.  I got out the door at 5:45 and had plenty of time when I got home to shower and be ready before Judah got here.  It was a great run.  Cool morning air.  No rain yet.  It's supposed to rain later in the morning and pretty much the rest of the day.  Feeling better today.

Tuesday - Rest Day

Now almost positive the mood swings from last weekend were 90% related to PMS.  Because my energy level and moods are better.

Wednesday - Swam 1 hour 5 minutes

I was a minute or two late (although I think Tracey & Erica were early) so I didn't get a lane by them.  I was by myself on the far end.  I did their workout.  Usually I modify it so I'm at the same place as them.  This time I didn't modify it.  So I didn't do the whole thing, but I did do quite a bit.  It felt great to get in the water.  The pool was busier and I like it when there a bunch of people.

Thursday - Group Power - 1 hour

Today is the only day this week I can go to Power so I felt like I was dragging myself there.  Once we got started, I was glad I was there.  It was almost the same workout as last Saturday.  I cannot believe how much the core workout at the end hurt--it was hard.  I think I would benefit from doing more core workouts.  The kids have been doing great this week and so have I.  It is such an insanely busy week, but next week we have very little going on.  It will be a nice break.

Friday - Sunday

On Friday I went roller skating with the middle school girls.  Which actually was a blast and brought back memories of junior high skating parties.  Surprisingly it was a workout!  We had an all night party which was really fun.  It only made cold symptoms worse.  Saturday I got through the morning OK (Rob had to work until 2) and took a long nap in the afternoon.  I was so tired I went to bed at 8:30 PM.  Yesterday my cold was bad again and I took a half hour nap in the afternoon.  I decided I would take Monday off from exercise as well so I could sleep in one more day, get caught up on sleep, and allow my cold to get better.  It is getting better and I am grateful for a day off.

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