Monday, August 26, 2013

August 26 - September 1

Monday - Rest

Going to rest one more day.  I slept terrible Saturday night after climbing.  My sunburn on my neck and face kept me awake plus muscle cramps in my thighs.  I actually slept better the night before in the tent.  Rob slept better at home.  Sunday night I slept a little bit better but thighs still ached and glutes. I will rest one more day and run tomorrow morning.  I am eager to get my muscles going again--it helps. I am still pretty tired and sore.

Tuesday - Ran 3 miles

Yesterday I was very sore and fatigued.  I had zero energy.  I was able to take a nap and that helped a little.  But still just frustrated with how tired I was and how I felt I could hardly do anything.  The kids were really getting to me because they just get so bored and fight.  We need school and a routine.

This morning it was very hard to get up, but I got out the door at 6:45.  I ran three miles on my regular route.  My thighs are still very sore and tight.  Running helped loosen them up.  I probably ran a little slower than normal, but it was not painful.  It felt great to get moving again.

Wednesday - Swimming 1 hour

I swam with the triathletes.  It was tougher this morning.  I felt like I was going extra slow.  It was good to get out and be consistent with my Wednesday swims though.  One of the competitive triathletes was there (she originally was the one who invited me to Wednesday swims) and asked me if I was doing any triathlons this late summer/fall.  I confessed to her I have been really struggling with open water.  I felt kind of awkward, but I am not going to pretend I'm a die hard athlete who can do it all because I'm still very much learning.  My swimming still needs quite a bit of improvement.  Yesterday was better in terms of energy.  I didn't take any naps.  I didn't feel as edgy either.  I am not really sore anymore either.

Thursday - Group Power 1 hour

It was the same workout as last two weeks.  Next week they change it up.  So many push ups, but they weren't as hard as last few weeks.  I increased my weight on most tracks as well.  School starts next week and trying to figure out how to schedule my workouts.  I'd like to run three times a week versus two and still want to swim and bike as well.  My idea right now is Monday:  Running (intervals/track)  Tuesday:  Regular run Wednesday: Swim  Thursday:  Power  Friday:  Group Ride  Saturday:  Off Sunday:  Long Run  This would only mean swimming and biking once a week versus twice.  I can do stationary bike after Power--I usually have enough time.  I will probably not do brick workouts until later in the winter when it gets closer to tri season.

Friday - Ran 4 miles

I did a run this morning at around 8 AM before Rob & the older two left for Portland.  It was really humid.  I couldn't catch my breath at certain points.  I ate so horrible today I am almost ashamed. It was special outings and I don't normally eat like this at all.  I probably gained a whole extra pound.  Yuck.  Don't feel the need to do My Fitness Pal again though because my weight has been really steady.  I just can't eat like I did today very often or it will go up.  :(

Saturday - Rest but lots of cleaning

I had a sinus headache off and on Friday and ate terrible as stated above.  I had a stomach ache when I went to bed.  I woke up at 2 AM and felt yucky.  It was cramping but I did not feel like it was a bad stomach bug.  I tend to get anxious when this happens and have a hard time relaxing.  So I laid on the family couch and took a bunch of deep breaths and fell asleep until around 5. I felt significantly better.  Then I went back to bed and slept until 8.  I had planned on going to the gym in the morning but ditched that idea at 2 AM.  I did do a ton of cleaning.  I think I cleaned from 9:30 AM until 4:30 PM with a half hour break.  Not to mention on Friday I did about 4 hours of work at church taking down wall paper and priming.  Lots of labor lately.  I have a little more to do on Monday.

Sunday - Ran 1 mile

Just no motivation and I don't know why.  I think I'm just tired from all the cleaning, organizing, and working at church.  Only mile today.  I had energy and strength to run more--just not motivated.  Hailey & I are going to do a 5K in September.  We ran one mile.  She ran the first half straight at a great pace.  Took a short walk break and ran the rest of the way.  Her mile time was about 12 1/2 minutes.  Not a bad start.

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