Monday, May 13, 2013

Sprint Tri Training Week #9 - I'm doing a tri at the end of the week!!

Monday - Ran 3 miles

I talked to Karen yesterday at church about the tri.  I have a much better idea on what to expect and I feel more at ease.

It was hard to get up this morning and I felt crappy the first mile.  But once I got going, I got more into the groove.  I have not been sleeping as well the past few nights...not terrible...just feel restless and really vivid strange dreams.  The last two nights I had caffeine and that usually does it...but last night I did not.

I also need to get back on My Fitness Pal and actually stick with it this time.  Not go on and go off and go back on for a few days and then quit.  The reason being is I want to lose a few pounds.  I got my wetsuit in the mail.  The seller said it's a medium and fits more like a small.  I wear small in some sizes and mediums in others.  I can get it on, but it's tight in some places.  I know it will fit better if I can trim a little.  Also last week one of the runners at the track workout said he lost a bunch of pounds by intensifying his workout...running at a faster pace.  I struggle with when to push myself and when to just enjoy the workout and go at a regular pace.  I think I want to continue to do the group exercises when I can.  I know I push myself harder when I'm with other people versus being by myself.

Tuesday - Rest

Trying to taper this week.

Wednesday - Swam 25 minutes

It's a weird week around here.  It's the week before Rob goes out of town to work on his doctorate.  I had foster care training Monday & Tuesday night.  Our whole schedule is on hold because an elderly lady in our church our family was friends with was rushed to the hospital on Monday.  This afternoon she passed away. Not to mention the kids have been "really off" though they were back to normal today.  Derek has not napped in months but has been napping almost everyday since he's been sick.  Kara has slept so hard during her naps it takes a half hour for her to wake up.  They have been staying up a little later and waking up earlier so I know they are a little sleep deprived.  Plus my dad has some health concerns but thankfully we got some good news about that.  I have so little motivation to do anything.  It's been very frustrating.  I don't know when the funeral is and if it will conflict with the triathlon.  If Rob is going to do it before he leaves for St. Louis, it will probably conflict with it.  That will mean trying to find babysitters etc.  I think it can be worked out, and really funerals cannot be planned ahead.  That's just the nature of the ministry. Right now I feel like I am still processing everything that my mind is not functioning at full capacity.

I did swim this afternoon which was a wonderful break in the day.  In light of everything going on, I am doing no early morning workouts until next month when the tri is over and Rob is back home.  The swim went great.  I did the full 10 laps I'll do on Saturday in 14 minutes.  I also did some warms ups, cool downs, and flip turn practice.

Thursday - Stationary Bike 32 minutes

I wanted to bike outside but we've had crappy weather the last two days.  Rain, rain, rain.  I went to the gym in the evening and rode the stationary bike and did intervals.  Good workout.  Kids were angels today!!  Had a great day with all of them.  I even asked Derek & Kara if they could play quietly with Little People and let me shut my eyes for 25 minutes.  They didn't bother me, complain about being hungry, fight, or get into stuff they should!  Awesome kids!  Derek has been napping in the afternoons.  He really hasn't slept in the afternoons in months, but it helped him the last couple days.  He fights it like crazy but he NEEDS downtime.  I think it was good for us to stay home all day today.

Friday - Rest

Saturday - Triathlon!!!!!

Final Time:  1:39:50

Such a great experience!  Feel like I am hooked on triathlons now and want to do another one.  So fun!  Tough too at times.  Running after you biked and swam is not like running a 5K in a race.  Your body feels completely different.  Biking was probably the hardest.  I swam at about the same time I could go.  I had dizzy spells at times and wasn't used to the buoyancy with all the people in the pool.  I actually felt better halfway through the swim and felt like my speed was increasing.  Overall it was a fabulous experience!

Sunday - Rest

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