Monday, May 6, 2013

Sprint Tri Training Week #8

Monday - Track Workout:  warm up (about 1 mile), 5 x 1 mile, 1 mile cool down

I was really glad I went to the track workout this morning.  Beautiful morning, gorgeous sunset, and temperature was perfect.  There were a lot of people there.  I decided I was not going to modify the workout. I was going to do the whole thing at my pace.  It meant running alone a lot, but it's a track so I wasn't really alone.  There were a lot of people doing the exact same thing.  I pushed myself pretty hard.  I felt better and not like "I'm the slow one trying to keep one" which I think is the one of the reasons I've not gone as often.  Good morning!

Tuesday - Outside biking - 50 minutes

It was hard to get up, but I made it out the door just after six.  Seasonal allergies have not been great.  My nose was running a lot and I had itchy eyes.  I bikes the Rees Hill loop.  Coming back I tried to switch to the larger sprocket and my chain fell off.  I was about 2 1/2 miles from home and did not want to walk home with my bike or call Rob to come and get me.  I managed to fix it myself.  Putting my chain on is much easier than the kid's bikes which I did a couple weeks ago.  I practiced shifting to the other sprocket last night in the parking lot so I know what I did wrong.

Wednesday - Swimming - 1 hour

Swam with the triathletes.  We did a lot of 100's, 300's, and 400's.  It was not a fast paced workout with short quick swims.  I tend to like the longer swims better.  I felt like my form was better and really focused on that during the easy swims.  Derek is sick today.  Kara had it on Saturday.  We'll see who gets it next.

Thursday - Brick workout:  Swam 600 yards total, Ran 5K on treadmill

It was one the first evenings in awhile when Rob did not have anything.  I went to the gym around 7:30 PM.  Today was a good day, but humbling and somewhat hard in other ways.  I felt like I needed to get out.  I found a website with lots of swim workouts of all various levels.  I am using it for when I don't work out with the triathletes.  I felt more confident in the pool and really worked on some speed swims which was great.  I also spent 5-7 minutes practicing flip turns.  I managed to do them without getting a bunch of water in my nose but I don't always get in the right position and a lot of time I am lopsided.

I ran really hard on the treadmill and pushed myself.  I maintained about 8 1/2 - 9 minute mile the whole time.  I finished around 25 minutes.

My back, shoulder, and wrist don't hurt as much this week.  Getting ready for the tri next week.  Hope I stay healthy.  The only thing I am dealing with right now is mild seasonal allergies.  The pollen count is very high in Oregon this spring.

Friday - Group Power

Went to 9:15 Power.  Kind of nice it was my only workout today.  I did walk with the kids around Bush Park later the day.  Power was great.  The day instructor explains things a lot and shared what weight you should have on the bar compared to your warm-up in weight.  It was super helpful.  I think there were a bunch of newbies in the class so she explained things a little bit more.  Shoulders are still my absolute hardest.  I feel like I have such weak shoulder muscles.

Saturday - Outside bicycling (about an hour)

I biked to Minto and took the Salem Heights route going there.  I have been watching You Tube biking videos and they say to use the large sprocket for regular riding and the small for big hills.  I have been on the small almost constantly and learned to switch to the large without the chain falling off.  The only problem was I was going up huge hills and I needed the small.  I could not switch in time and I ended up walking the bike up Salem Heights Street.  It was so steep I am not sure I would have gotten up anyway.  I also walked down another hill that was super steep and ended at a stop sign.  I held on for dear life when I took Azaela to River.  Honestly I cannot do this route again--it feels way too unsafe.  I need to stick with the bike path (if you can even call it that--so narrow and not in the greatest shape) along River.  Once I got to Minto, I was fine.  I had a great ride.  Coming home was fine too except I was pretty tired.  I switched back to the small sprocket and found that works better on all the hilly roads on my side of town.  Biking is still really scary for me. I really need some biking buddies.  At least I am getting out and doing it.

Sunday - REST!

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