Monday, March 19, 2012

Seattle Rock and Roll Training: Week #4

Monday: Long Run: 11 miles & 10 minutes of stretching/abs

It's going to be a harder week to exercise (and eat good!) because we're headed to Disney tomorrow afternoon. But I started the week off right. Rather than chance it and try and do my long run on vacation (which never seems to happen) I did it this morning. I went to bed by 9:45 and got out the door by 5:12 AM. It snowed almost the whole entire time, but it was not sticking. It was pretty out and the fact it was so dead quiet made it pretty relaxing. I know some find it absolutely crazy to call a 11 mile run relaxing--but it was nice at times. I am doing so much better on hills--they were less of a struggle. I wanted to run on Robbins and then take Brentwood and get over the to Battlecreek neighborhood. But I somehow could not find Brentwood and the road was closed. And I felt like if I get kept going I would have been running along the I-5. The road was so dark--I didn't want to try and figure out where it turned off. I ended up back tracking and taking the Rees Hill neighborhood back--which worked out fine.
Tuesday - Ran 3 miles
Ok it's now Sunday that I am writing this and I'm in California so I have to think about on the beginning of last week which seems like eons ago. I ran in the rain before we left for Disney. Uneventful 3 mile run. It went fine.
Wednesday - Cross training
Lots and lots of walking. And holding Kara (and sometimes Derek). That was quite the workout.
Thursday - Ran 6 miles
I ran on the treadmill and the motel and watched the Ellen Show. Hate the treadmill and it was not easy. But glad I could complete it. Eating is not going as bad as I thought it would. I don't think I will go home having gained an extra five pounds. At least I hope not...
Friday - Ran 3 miles
Nice quick run on the treadmill. Felt good after a long morning. Rob and I also ran like crazy to get on the Tower of Terror. We ran like 7-10 minutes so probably was at least a half mile. More walking and carrying Kara at times. Got lots of weight training this week just carrying kids.
Saturday - Rest
A little bit of carrying kids and light walking, but for the most part a rest day. We went to Palm Springs and were in the car a good part of the day.
Sunday - Ran 6 miles
I ran on the treadmill at the hotel and watchd two episodes of Storage Wars. Nice to watch something kind of mindless. I miss running outside. But this treadmill run went better. So glad I got all my workouts in even with being on vacation--never thought I could pull it off. Eating was better today too. I didn't really count calories yesterday and was pretty sure I was over. Oh well.

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