Monday, December 19, 2011

Pre-Marathon Training Week #3

Monday - Crunch Abs - 32 minutes

I had another crummy morning, but was able to work out straight through while Derek played outside and Hailey & Kara played dolls and watched TV. It was a really good workout. Would have liked to run, but could not do so during the lunch hour today and I'm gone tonight. And I was not going to get up early the first of Christmas Break.

Tuesday - Ran 3 miles - Abs - 10 minutes

So last night I went shopping for jeans and I am about cried in the dressing room. Rob and I both agreed we've been pretty reckless with the snacking lately. Lots of sweets, treats, and ice cream. I want to go back on Weight Watchers in January just because it helps with regulating points with running. I am going to three conferences between January and April. This is where I feel like you just sit and eat for three days. My goal is to tone my abs and get my weight back down before our beach vacation to Penticton in July. Running did not goes as well this morning. I felt crummy until the 2nd mile when I started to feel normal. I woke up feeling dehydrated. I had a beer at Applebees last night and I usually wake up dehydrated when I have a beer after 8 PM. I have never had a lot of self image problems and it's never been the source of my anxiety. Honestly I hate talking about it with my friends because some of them (not all of them) struggle with their weight more than I do and are not training for marathons and exercise less. Some of the more self conscious about weight and that is more of their source of anxiety. Whereas my source of anxiety is relationships/friendships/being included. When I went on WW last time after I had Kara I had people tell me I don't need to be on it and were almost offended when I shared I wanted to lose weight. Why is it so hard to talk about weight with people? Especially women!?

Wednesday - Ran 4.5 miles & Crunch Abs Attack 32 minutes

I almost had another breakdown when I got on the scale. I am the same weight I was when I started WW in April of 2010. Yuk! So I started tracking calories on My Fitness Pal that Alyssa recommended. I know I am going to cheat on the holidays and probably lose a couple days of exercise. I figure I need to start now or I am just going to feel miserable and become another emotional Christmas Break wreck. So far I feel so much better to have a plan and some goals. I thought I was only running 4, but I did an old route from marathon training. When I got home and realized it was 8:15 AM not 8, I realized it must be more like 4.5 miles. I was right. It was a good run though. I felt good through most of it. I just struggle a little on the Sunnyside hill by Baxter because it's so long and drawn out. The kids were so good this morning that I did the whole Ab Attack workout while they watched Christmas cartoons. Bonus to be able to squeeze that in this morning.

Thursday - Pace Run - approximately 35 minutes & 10 Minute Solutions Abs & 5 minutes of abs

I am feeling so much better using the My Fitness Pal. I don't feel a slave to it like I did with Weight Watchers. I think it's easier to cut out some of the snacking and high fatty foods the second time around. I ran Lone Oak to Kuebler to Sunnyside and back up Idylwood. It was a great run except my left ankle started to ache around the second mile and was in and out the rest of the run. I really need to buy new shoes ASAP. I iced it after I ran and that seemed to help. Abs & core workout was fine.

Friday - 3 mile run & 10 minutes of abs/core

I ran really hard at the beginning. Halfway through the second mile, I felt winded and exhausted. I walked up for about 1 minute. I was too overdressed. It got a lot warmer out since yesterday and is not nearly as cold as it was earlier this week. After I took my jacket off, I felt better. Ankle was not hurting today. I felt dehydrated when I woke up. I have been trying to drink water throughout the day but still feel like my body is not getting enough. Today I am also very hungry. Once starting the My Fitness Pal earlier this week, I did not feel overly hungry. Today I feel like raiding the cupboards and I am glad it's only about two hours until dinner!

Saturday - 6 miles!

I felt great right from the start so I knew it was going to be a good run. I only stopped to hydrate and I had a powerbar gu packet around the 4th mile. I ran my 5 mile route, but I went all the way to Ewald and then back down Liberty. I walked about 10 minutes after I completed 6. It felt awesome to get this mileage in--it's been several months. I went over the calories because we had Christmas Eve dinner with the Vande Burgts. I really did not need that piece of pie. I wasn't even that hungry for the pie...if I had to do it all over again I would have had a half piece or skipped it all together. I knew I would go a little over Christmas & Christmas Eve. So trying not to beat myself up over it.

Sunday - Rest

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