Saturday, August 15, 2015

Biking and Power and less running

So the side effects are still there but much, much less.  Last week was actually a good week in terms of exercise.  I actually made it to Power twice, swim once, Ride once, and I went on 20 mile bike ride Sunday afternoon on the Willamette Scenic Bikeway which was awesome!  I am so glad I hit 20 miles!  It was tough near the end but I pushed through it.

This week I ran with Tracy on Monday morning.  It would have been a great run except my IT band started acting up bad around Mile #4.  I did have to stop and walk a bit.  It throbbed every time I started running again.   I am rolling it and it seems to help.  I'm wondering how long it is going to take to heal.  I am only running once a week right now.  I did not go to Swim Tuesday morning because I had people over Monday night.  They ended up staying until after 11 which was fine--we were having fun!  But I was not about to get up at 4:45 AM.  It was a pretty busy day and I couldn't really get away at any other time.  Wednesday I went to Ride.  I am enjoying Ride SO much more.  I am getting really used to the tracks and finally enjoying biking for once in my life.  Thursday I planned on going to Power but I slept instead.  It is VERY hard getting up Thursday mornings when I play hockey Wednesday night.  Hockey has been going until around 8:30 and then I had a meeting right afterwards that went to after 10.  Wednesday I cleaned literally all day.  I don't think I sat down hardly at all.  Yesterday we were supposed to go hiking in the Detroit Lake area, but the weather was bad.  So we postponed it.  I swam in the afternoon and worked on some arm drills--not sure if I'm doing them right.  But it felt great to get in the pool.  This morning I went to Power and it was SO hard.  I felt like so much weaker than normal.  I think it is just an "off" day.  I still tried to push myself, but I had to take way more breaks than normal.  I had a mild head ache and just felt fatigued.

I lost about 1 1/2 pounds and am eating better.  Zucchini bread is my biggest temptation.  It is my "go to" food before early morning workouts.  I am going to make some homemade protein bars this weekend.  We've not been eating out nearly as much since we got back from vacation and trying to utilize the fruits and veggies in our garden and what's in season too.  I know I can get back to my marathon weight.  I have cut back a little on diet pop and I don't know if it makes any kind of difference, but I've not craved it like I did on vacation.

The last two nights of sleep have been bad.  I think it is due to my sleep schedule being way off.  The time I get up my early mornings and the time I sleep in is like a 3 1/2 hour difference.  I need to get up and go to bed around the same time.  This was the cause of my insomnia in college.  It also could be a side effect to the medication.  I haven't napped during the day really at all.  Once fall comes, it will be a little bit easier to stick a schedule especially with working.  If I can implement it now, it will help even more with the adjustment into fall.  Last year the first weekend of the school year I had such an anxiety ridden day I hardly left my bedroom--It was awful.  Want to avoid that.

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