Monday, February 24, 2014

February 24 - March 2

Monday - Track Workout:  about a 1200 warm-up and then 400, 800, 1200, 1600, 1200, and 800 (supposed to do another 400 but skipped it) with 400 recovery between.  Did about a 800 cool down.

I have not been to the track workouts since October.  I've been meaning to go, but have had every excuse in the book not to.  I am a tad self conscious because I am so much slower than everyone and often get lapped.  But it's a nice safe place to do intervals and I'm usually done by 6:30 which is gives me a whole hour on Monday mornings before child care kids come.  It will make me faster running those who are much faster.  It is motivating...but not going to lie...intimidating too.  Angie was there who is this elite triathlete I see at the gym all the time.  She is very sweet and I talked to her a little bit.

The running was hard.  I felt like crap most of the run.  Side aches, fatigue and I was overdressed.  Yesterday morning it was so cold.  I had to wear a jacket on top of my running shirt, hat, gloves, and long running pants.  This morning I took off my hat and jacket.  I had on a short sleeve shirt and running pants and I was way too hot.  I needed shorts and wished I had a pair in my car.  I seriously would have changed in the van.  I was glad I pushed through it and kept going.  I will go again hopefully soon.  I didn't mind once it started raining because it cooled me off.  I still have sore abs (I think from swimming and Power last week) and my appetite has been weird again...might be a side effect from my medication.  But I feel so much better today and ready for a new week.

Tuesday - Rest

Wonderful to rest!

Wednesday - Swam 1 hour

Normal swim workout.  More speed workouts today.  I felt pretty good during most of it.  The pool was not as busy.

Thursday - Rest

I really wanted to go to Group Power because it was the only day I could go.  But the dumb cat was meowing all over the hall last night.  She's not been doing that at night anymore so we've not been locking her up in the laundry room.  By the time I caught the cat and put her in the laundry room, I was too awake and it took me awhile to fall back asleep so I needed to sleep until 6:30 and not get up early.  Dumb cat.

Friday - Group Ride

Was pretty tired, but made it to Ride.  Glad I did because Rob was leaving for a retreat and that would be my one and only time to exercise.

Saturday - Brick:  25 minutes swim & 27 stationary bike

Had to be a shorter brick because Rob did not get home until later.  Still was able to squeeze it in.

Sunday - Ran 6.4 miles

So so so glad the rain dissipated by the afternoon.  It was only a light rain and warm--so easy to run in.  It was a great run too.  I felt great.

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