Thursday, February 13, 2014

February 10 - 16

Skipped last week.  Did workout twice, but didn't record it.  I had a terrible run on Tuesday.  Just felt crappy the whole time.  I had such bad PMS.  I was not irritable or anxious around the kids thankfully.  I felt terrible anxiety that came on in the evenings and lasted until the morning.  I had head aches.  I just felt like crap.  While in Chicago, I ran on the treadmill at my dad's gym with my sister and my dad.  She did much better than me.  I don't know if it was not as much ventilation or the fact I have not run on a treadmill in a very long time, but I could handle about 3 miles and I was done.  I biked the rest of the time.

Monday - Rest

Tuesday - Also rest

Wednesday - Swam 1 hour

It was so good to be back in the water and swim with the girls.  It was hard and I felt a little lagging behind at times.  I did push myself.  It was a great workout.

Thursday - Ran 30 minutes treadmill

I decided at the last minute not to go to Power because this is one of the few weekends I can actually go to 5 PM Power on Friday.  So I opted to run on the treadmill versus run outside.  It was not raining, but it's so dark at 5:30 AM.  I don't mind running at 6:30 because at least it's lighter and getting light.  I know that will change as soon as spring comes.  I also wanted to try the treadmill again because I used to run fine on both.  It was hard and I still don't like the treadmill.  It was better than at my dad's gym.  I thought that by leaving at 5:45, I could run and shower and be back home by the time Abby gets pick up.  But I was playing it too close.  I had barely enough time.

I love this child care job and I love morning exercise.  I feel like I'm a working mom now.  It's hard because friends still invite me to the daytime playdates and I just can't do them anymore.  Evenings are it and it seems like only a few of my friends will actually go out in the evening.  I feel like I'm going through a lonely phase a bit and trying to remain content.  I have a great time with my daycare kids, my own kids, and Rob.  I see Christina often.  I talk to my friends at church.  We're having Seth & Holly over on Saturday. I love my evening Bible Study and I'm getting to know the girls I swim with better.  I think I'm realizing the sacrifices of being a working mom.  At first I didn't care and it didn't phase me.  I've missed the last Moms Next meeting and I've had to say "no" to a couple other things lately.  My stay-at-home mom friends have way more freedom during the day than I used to have--but then again I just wouldn't want to go back to that.  I think I'm way more happier now.  Contentment--that's what I need to keep telling myself.

Friday - Rest

I totally forgot Rob was taking Kara to a movie in the afternoon so I couldn't go to Power.  Realized that at 10 AM and was pretty ticked at myself.  Yesterday was hard in a lot of ways--even with it being Valentines Day.  Just feel stressed and overwhelmed right now.

Saturday - Ride

I am still dealing with this unmotivation.  I had planned on doing a brick workout--swim followed by Ride.  I just couldn't get up for the swim part.  I did get out of the house in time for Ride.  I almost turned the van around twice and went back home.  I almost walked out of class after the first two tracks.  I pushed through it and by the end of it I was so glad I was there and completed it.  I have to remember that feeling.  I still feel a bit stressed and overwhelmed and unfocused--but I trying to push through that too.

Sunday - Rest

Still struggling with stress and unmotivation.  I had a blasted sinus headache all morning that kept going in and out.  I thought it was from the one glass (and it was only one--more like a half) of red wine I had last night with Seth & Holly.  I have gotten headaches from red wine before.  But Rob said there is no way it would linger all day long.  Especially because I had a sinus headache Saturday morning long before I drank the red wine.  I honestly think the headache this time was hormones & stress because I felt irritable too and I have no cold symptoms right now.  This week kind of stunk.

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