Monday, June 24, 2013

Sept Tri Week #1

Monday - Ran 3 miles

OK so last week was a little crazy mood wise.  I was in charge of a camping trip in the rustic wilderness of central Oregon with my middle schoolers...which actually turned out to be a blast.  But the anticipation and planning really made my mood go south.  I also was dealing with (I think) a hormone imbalance and the normal "June" blues I get this time of year.  This morning I greatly limited my computer time because I have a mountain of laundry and the kids have needed a little extra attention.  That helped significantly.  I feel great today.  I feel on top of things and not overwhelmed at all.

I ran to Woodmansee Park and through the trails and back home during Rob's lunch.  It's about three miles.  It was a great run. It was one of those days I felt like I could run for miles and miles.

I didn't really exercise at all last week.  I just couldn't handle it on top of everything else.  I really missed swimming with the triathletes and riding my bike to Minto...but I had to put it on hold.

In central Oregon we did go on a 3 mile hike Thursday night and about a 2 mile hike on Friday.  So I did some exercise.  Yesterday I ran a mile with Hailey as well.  We ran almost the whole way except for two little short walk breaks.

I am not going to try to run the half in August.  It's just too much to take on right now.  My goal is to the tri at the beginning of the September, but I can't commit to it yet.

Tuesday - Rest

I did not exercise today and it was not due to laziness.  Rob had an early morning meeting, a lunch meeting, and I had too much to do in the evening.  There really was no time.  Bleck.

Wednesday - Swam about 35 minutes

I had planned on swimming with the triathletes.  Since the kids have been going to bed later and it's lighter out, we have been going to bed later.  I wasn't asleep until after 11:30 AM.  I made it to the gym by 6:30 AM and ran into the triathletes leaving.  I felt really dumb.  Rob said it's like running into the preacher and trying to explain to him why you haven't been in church.  I did a great workout from Swim Plan and was glad to get into the water.  I also ran with Hailey at the park and biked with Hailey & Derek to the park.  Thankful the weather is changing to more summerlike again.

Thursday - Bike 45 minutes

I thankfully was able to bike during Rob's lunch and it was great to get out. Weather was perfect.  Been so tired lately at night.  Been working on VBS stuff until 10 at night.  Mornings have been harder.

Friday - Stationary Bike 47 minutes

Worked a little easier to go to the gym and ride the stationary bike.  It was a very hot day and I couldn't get to the gym until later anyway.  I did intervals on the stationary bike and watched a documentary on CNN.  Good workout.  Going to do my first open water swim tomorrow at VB's lake.

Saturday - Swam across VB's lake (about 350 yards)

It was tough!  Matt & Mike took off and were way, way ahead of me.  Rob went beside me in the inflatable boat and Derek & Hailey were riding in it too.  I kept veering off to the left constantly.  My endurance was OK.  It is so hard not being able to see anything and the cold spots in the lake.  Rob said once I followed through on my strokes better I was going straighter, but it was hard.  I felt like my ego was crushed.  I so want to try again.

Sunday - Rest

And the A/C broke!  And it's in the mid 90's!

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