Monday, October 31, 2011

October 31 - November 6

Monday - Crunch: Burn and Firm Pilates - 48 minutes

I wanted to try a different video. I have never done any kind of pilates before except the little bit in Centergy class back when I used to go to it. I did around 10 AM with the kids watching TV and then playing all around me. I didn't think it would work, but it actually did. I was only interrupted once to clean up some spilled milk. Derek played contently at the table with his cars and city boxes. Kara played with her baby dolls. Sometimes they do this and other days it is like pulling teeth to get them to do anything all they do is fight. Anyway the length was too long. I can't workout that long in the morning unless I am up before the kids. But the stretching was great. I really needed it. I liked the overall workout. I think I like Crunch Boot Camp slightly better. I do miss the days I used to do more with yoga and pilates. It's just hard to squeeze that in with running.

Tuesday - Ran 1.75 miles

Did my two mile route, but walked the last .25 miles. Good workout.

Wednesday & the rest of the week

Wednesday was super busy so I decided to make it my rest day. I had to bring Derek to Christina's, run a bunch of errands for ETM while Derek was there and set up for ETM. I did not finish by 11:15 AM. I realized 1) I don't need to make this ETM program so complex...I spent way more time on things than I needed to...especially since it was just a few kids this time around. 2) I have to be realistic on how much I can really accomplish during the two hours Derek is in preschool. So because I did all this all morning, nothing got cleaned and laundry was at a halt again. But whenever I make my midweek my rest day I never run the rest of the week. Which is exactly what happened. Thursday I was exhausted and mentally drained. Rob told me to leave the house at 5:15 PM and not come back until after the kids were in bed. :) I went to French Press & the library. I SO needed it. I worked on my Bible Study and read 40 pages of a book and enjoyed a wonderful crepe. Yesterday we had to leave to go Harris' around 3:30 and we had to do haircuts in the morning. With baths, laundry, and cleaning that was enough. Rob and I also worked on Christmas budgets, gift planning, meal planning and birthday planning--it took almost two hours by the time we were done with it. It was fun and we love working on it together, but it took up most of the morning. I could have gone out and run, but there was so much more I had to. Today I just lost all motivation so I am sitting here. :) I'll try again next week.

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