Tuesday, September 13, 2011

September 12 - 18

I have been exercising off and on...just not blogging about it.

I am actually beginning pre-pre marathon training. What the heck is that!? Basically I am beginning a new fall routine where I wake up 6 AM and read my Bible and exercise all before the kids get up. So far I am happy to say I have been quite successful. Labor Day Weekend threw me off a little, but I'm back on. Because getting up early is very, very difficult for me and I am not a morning person at all, I am doing very short runs right now. I could do 3-4 miles. But I feel like I have to establish this routine first. This means I am only doing 1.5 - 2 mile runs and getting up to 3-4 miles in a couple weeks.

Once I begin pre-marathon training which will mean getting up to 8 or so miles, I hope to do most of my running still in the morning...and possibly my long run on the weekends. I figure I can try 5:45 AM and 5:30 if needed. I really hate being more tired at night. I accomplish very little after 9 PM anyway...sometimes earlier.

Dropping out at vet. tech. school as hard as it was has freed up my schedule significantly. I am amazed how much time it has given me. I STILL miss it a lot to the point I have a hard driving by vet. clinics. I had to drop something off at the humane society and that was really hard. I took Hailey and her friend with me so that helped. But I am pressing on. I am realizing as time passes, I made the right decision. I am more excited about what my future holds in terms of going back to work someday versus stressed and worried. There IS something about doing youth ministry and NOT being paid. It's a whole other world being a regular volunteer and yet not having to deal with some of the hassles of being on staff at a church. In some ways I feel like I already am on staff as the PW.

Anyway I am recording my weekly workouts and I am following a loose training plan until I can up my mileage and do hills, long runs, and tempo runs again...

Monday: 10 minutes of thighs, 10 minutes of arms

I did the 10 minute solutions. I know it is very basic and not challenging enough. I am focusing more on getting the routine down and exercising in the mornings. Then I will switch back to Boot Camp workouts or something similar.

Tuesday: Ran 1.5 miles

I ran to Hailey's school and back. I am not at my best. I could do it and run the whole way, but I just don't feel strong right now. I am hoping the structured morning routine will help get my mileage back up.

Wednesday: Boot Camp - 30 minutes

I did not get up at 6 AM. It is getting harder. I realized since I'm home all day and do not have much in the morning I could work out during Derek and Kara's nap. The problem is I felt gross being in workout clothes all morning plus I don't get as much done in the afternoon. I remembered this is why I like exercising in the mornings. I still was up by 6:40 AM to read my Bible, but exercise was postponed to around 1:30 PM. I like the Boot Camp DVD better than the 10 minute solutions--more challenging. I think I will stick with it for awhile and then switch to something else.

Thursday: Ran 1.5 miles

I knew getting up early was going to be hard for me. Yesterday afternoon and evening were really busy. I was pretty exhausted. I again did not get up the 6 AM wake-up--got up at 6:40 to do devotions. I was going to run at Rob's lunch, but realized he's not taking lunch at home today. I ran at 7:15 while the kids were eating breakfast and Rob was getting ready. We were a little ahead of schedule this morning so it worked out fine. Hailey was actually ready for school ten minutes early. I just ran to Hailey's school and back again. I felt so good--like I could have run for miles. I really think the Boot Camp yesterday helped stretch some of my muscles and the push ups (as much as I hate them) have helped too.

Friday: Rest

Saturday: Ran 1.5 miles. Picked a new route running to Lori and around to Fir Dell. The run went fine and the weather was perfect.

Sunday: 30 minute walk. Not sure how long and far I walked because I was not keeping track. My walk ended at Walgreens to pick of Oro Gel. I have three canker sores all over my mouth and it kills! The Oro Gel only numbs it for a little bit. I think this was a result of eating a lot of tomatoes. What a pain!

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