Friday, August 12, 2011

Catch up

Ugh--can't seem to stay well for more than 4-5 weeks. It throws off the whole running schedule. Last week I ran in the Willamette Valley Roadrunners 5k. It was very competitive and lots of good runners. A little intimidating. But I got like 25:58 which is not bad. It's not as good as I did in April & May. I got 6th in my age group. The winner was like 22 minutes which is crazy! I had a great time though. Rob's mom was supposed to come with us, but unfortunately got held up in Seattle. Margie was able to come and watch the kids while I ran. Hailey also had a blast doing the kid's run. Thankfully Rob's mom made it by 9 and I kept Hailey up.

On Friday I had a great tempo run to Crossler Middle School and around the track a couple times. I took Saturday off because I had VBS follow up in the morning and then Rob and I went to Brownsville. On Sunday I did a brisk cross training walk. I've done NOTHING since.

Monday I packed most of the day getting ready for vacation. Both Sunday night and Monday night I felt fatigued, had sinus headaches, and my stomach was off. Hailey was sick and we postponed or vacation by a day. We left Tuesday and went to Bonneville Dam. Everything was going well and Hailey was doing better. I felt a little "off" but I would not call it "sick." Derek would not eat his supper and he complained of a stomach cramp. I knew he was probably getting it. I just hoped it was mild. He was acting normal again. Kara and Derek were so wild trying to go to sleep at night.

I forgot to turn the A/C on in the motel room that I was so warm I could hardly sleep. I did not want to climb over Derek and turn on a light. I ended up turning it on and put it on "Low Warm" on the coldest temperature because I could not see anything which basically equaled room temperature. Kara was sleeping very restless, but that is typical of Pack and Plays and motel rooms. At 3 AM she cried out, but then stopped. All the sudden we heard throwing up. Rob said, "Derek is throwing up." I was so confused and said, "Who?" Rob went to Derek's bed and realized it was not Derek, but Kara. Throw up everywhere. We tried to clean it up as best as we could. I was ready to pack the sickies in the car and drive home at 3 AM because I knew I was not going back to sleep anytime soon.

I managed to sleep until 8 - a very restless interrupted sleep. Derek woke up lethargic, sick, and just wanted to lay down. Kara was pretty much sick. I had absolutely no appetite. We really debated about staying for Hailey's sake. She took it well when we decided we had to can the vacation. Staying in a motel room all day with two sick kids (in the same room) and not feeling good myself seemed absolutely awful. I just wanted to be at home. Derek is very high strung when he is sick. He screams, cries, tantrums, and does not make a lot of sense. Kara is overly clingy and does not sleep well unless she is a room by herself in her own crib.

I was sick, but not nearly as bad as the other two. I did not throw up or anything. I just felt so lethargic (and some of it was from lack of sleep and a busy last couple weeks) and had no appetite. I had sinus pressure again, but I think it was from dehydration.

So now Derek is doing a lot better. Kara is too--just still clingy and lethargic. I am almost back to normal. Since Rob has next week off too, we're going to make up for it and plan a bunch of day trips. I am really sad...and a little pissed too (not sure who to get mad at?) since this is the second time we've all been sick of Rob's vacation. Then Rob and I got to thinking about all the times when we were little and someone threw up in a motel room or in the car...or someone had to miss out an event. I guess you cannot avoid in this phase of life. We had such a healthy winter compared to other years. Seems like we got hit hard this summer and Rob and I have seem to got the worst of it. I had strep twice and Rob had it once. Rob, Derek, and Hailey had a stomach bug in June. But when you look at it, we weren't THAT sick. No one was down for more than 1-2 days. No ER visits.

It's just been very hard to have any kind of running routine with all this. I don't think I will be ready to a 10K in a couple weeks. I think come school starting I am going to get to some kind of running routine so I can start training for another marathon this winter.

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