Monday, July 18, 2011

10K Training Week # 1 Take Two

Monday - 3 Mile Run and Strength training

I am going to do a 10K! I really want to do it. I picked VBS Week as my kick off which is crazy. But I am not doing as much for VBS this year. Honestly VBS has stressed me out very, very little. I am thankful Hilda is in charge of all the stuff that stressed me out last year.

Anyway I ran three miles at Rob's lunch. I seriously need new streets to run on. I ran to Browning and on Alderbrook which is a very nice neighborhood. Then I back tracked on Lone Oak and back home again. I think my pace is still pretty slow and I don't feel as strong as I did a couple weeks ago. But I am completing workouts and I am not totally exhausted. Since it is a crummy cold summer and it was not even 70 when I went running at 12:30 PM (which I am not trying to be bitter about), it is possible to run during the day and not overheat.

I also did the arm training on the 10 minutes workout and it felt great to stretch my triceps, biceps and even do push ups. I also did about 7 minutes of abs on my own. Good way to start the week!

Tuesday - Ran 3 miles

Good run today! I ran my regular three mile (Lone Oak to Holder to Liberty). I ran during Rob's lunch and it was still so cool outside. Went really well. More tired today, but had a hard time sleeping last night.

Wednesday - I'm way behind on this! It's almost a week later! Trying to remember what I did!! I am pretty sure I rested on Wednesday.

Thursday - Ran 3 miles in the morning

It was so good to run in my peaceful neighborhood first thing! Great run!

Friday - Rest

I was so exhausted I could not get up early. I really tried, but I needed the sleep. I was busy all morning with VBS and the service project in the afternoon. Then I was finishing up VBS clean up stuff until 5 PM. Rob wanted to go out at night. I guess three runs for VBS week is good.

Saturday - Cross train

I hiked with Kara on my back for about 2 miles. We wanted to hike Mary's Peak, but the road was closed. People were hiking the road, but we had no idea how far it was to the trailhead. We decided we would go as far as the kids could handle. They did great! We did not make it to the trailhead--I don't think I could even done it with Kara on my back. The kids loved seeing all the wildflowers and bugs. Rob carried Kara back down. It was a really good workout. I love hiking!

Sunday - Ran 2.6 miles

I wanted to do a long run, but again we've been absolutely exhausted. I was really pressed for time. I did the Ewald route before church. Then I was in Portland all day with the kids visiting Jonathan and Megan. I was so tired I was crying by the time I got home. Good day with them. It's just been A LOT to juggle lately. Ready for some downtime.

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