Sunday, February 21, 2021

Week #10 and #11 of #24

 Now I remember why marathon training gets intense and starts to feel like a second part time job.  Once you get over the 13 mile mark for long runs, it takes more effort to block out time and plan nutrition for that long of a run.  I am running so well right now.  My ankle doe not hurt all the time and my IT band has been fine.  I am wondering if my pace is too slow, but it might be good in the long run to train at this pace.

Monday (8):  Ran 15 miles!  I ran in the afternoon and around the neighborhood.

Tuesday (9):   Did weights and the rowing machine after I dropped Hailey off from school.

Wednesday (10):  Ran 7 miles with Emily downtown.  It was pretty tough going up some of the hills.

Thursday (11):  Tempo run.  Ran 4 miles in the neighborhood.

Friday (12) through Sunday (14):  Our area was hit with a massive ice storm and we did not have power from Friday night until Sunday afternoon.  Some were without power even longer.  We were pretty lucky.  It was really hard to exercise because we were in survival mode.

Monday (15):  Rest.  I really needed a day to reset and get back into routine.

Tuesday (16):  Ran 8 miles and saw all the damage in our neighborhood.

Wednesday (17):  Weights and rode the stationary bike for 45 minutes

Thursday (18):  4.50 mile tempo run in the neighborhood

Friday (19)  Swam 1500 yards

Saturday (20):  16 miles!  Around 14 miles I am getting with lateral knee pain again on my right knee.  It is probably IT band pain but it feels different from last time.  After I ran last week Monday I didn't really feel it much after I ran.  After this run, I did.  It hurt all day and into the next day.  Not extremely painful but enough that it has me a little concerned.  I am wondering if I am not doing glute exercises as much.  I am rolling now and using heat.  I will have to keep an eye on it.  One step at a time.  Marathon training is not going to be worth it for 12 more weeks if I am in constant pain all the time.  It could be it goes in and out and doesn't get much worse than this.  Time will tell.

Sunday (21):  Rest and some stretching at home.

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