Saturday, October 26, 2019

Week 5

I kind of skipped Week #4.  I ran seven miles last week Sunday and it went super well.  I decided to rest on Monday.  Then Monday night I woke up at 1:30 PM constantly coughing and I could not sleep.  I had to take Derek to school by 6 AM so it was way too late to take cough medicine.  I ended up laying with my head elevated on the couch and I was able to eventually fall asleep and I woke up again at 5 AM.  Rob volunteered to bring Derek to school and I was able to sleep more until 7 AM.  My cough lingered all week but gradually got better all week.  Then I totally lost all motivation.  I worked over fifty hours last week with the training all Saturday plus I had small group, ETM, and Bible Study.  I know one day I will look back on this and ask--How did I do this?  I won't really have a good answer.

I did register for Holiday Half so I really need to get things in gear.  I am trying though I am still not as motivated I was two weeks ago.

Sunday = Ran 4 miles.  It felt really good to run again and my pace was around 9:30 which was awesome.  Wanted to run in the morning but it took me until 5 PM to get motivated to go.  Lame!

Monday = Rest.  I am still dealing with bad unmotivation.  I generally hate Mondays.  I hate them even more when I have a training on Saturdays because I felt like I lost a big chunk of my weekend!

Tuesday = Weights for 1/2 hour and 3.1 miles on treadmill

I did manage to get up and go to the gym.  Yes finally!  And I am glad I did because it was another hard day.  This job is super challenging and one of the hardest things I have ever done.  I can understand why it is high burn out.

Wednesday =  Spin bike at the gym for 40 minutes

I woke up at 3:30 AM with my mind racing and I could not calm down.  I woke up Rob at 5 AM and was crying that I was so anxious.  I was able to fall back asleep but I skipped swimming.  I was able to sleep until about 7 AM.  I went to the gym in the evening instead and rode the bike we ride in Spin class.  I was surprised I am SO MUCH faster when I am riding on my own versus Spin Class.  My issue with Spin is I tune out and get very bored.  That is why I have not been motivated to go.

Thursday = Track Run.  Ran 4 x 800 with recovery in between.  I dropped off Rob at the Salem airport and then I went right to the South Salem track.  There was no one there and it is super dark.  Part of me wonders if it is safe to be there, but I also know teachers do not start to come early.  I loved the solitude.  I even saw a shooting star.

Friday = Ran 3 miles downtown.  I ran 3 miles after work from Riverfront to Wallace Marine.  It was broad daylight but I actually feel less safe running at Wallace Marine than the South Salem track.  It is secluded by the ball fields, there are lots of homeless people, and just sketchy people walking around.  I think I will take pepper spray if I go again.

Saturday = Ran 8 miles

I did 5 miles with my friend in the morning and then I did the last 3 on my own.  I love getting up early on Saturday mornings because I feel like I am not wasting the day away.

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