Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Another week off...

I decided to take a week off from running and exercise and like usual that week turned into two weeks.  I am not going to beat myself up for it.  I had a cold the week before the half marathon and I felt like it was almost gone.  A few days after I ran it came back with a vengeance.  I was congested and blowing my nose non-stop for two days.  Although by the 27th I felt somewhat normal, I can still feel it a little bit.  Kara unfortunately caught it and has had a runny nose, coughing non-stop again, and irritable.  I have been having flashbacks to when she was a baby and was sick all the time.  She would have a cold for 3 (sometimes even more like 4 or 5) weeks, be normal for about 10 days, and then it would all start up again.  She just is a magnet for those respiratory and nasal colds.  Since school started in September she's had two stomach bugs, one sinus infection that lasted over two weeks, and now a nasal cold.  She's catching it from others and we've been around sick people constantly.  Kara seems to get it much worse.  I was really hoping we could all get healthy over Christmas Break and start next week somewhat normal but I am not keeping my fingers crossed.

I did register for the Minneapolis Marathon and this will be my goal for 2015.  With all the colds going around, needing more sleep, and not having much of a schedule I am starting next week.  I will be signing up for Spartan so I will start with a bang.  I am sure I'll be pretty sore a week from now.

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