Thursday, November 13, 2014

November 8 - 13: Feeling "off"

The past couple days have felt "a little off."  It seems like one major schedule disruption and everything gets thrown off.  I find my moods going south.  Last Friday night was our middle school all nighter which is always a good time.  It is very good for the kids to spend that much time together--relationships are strengthened and the barriers get broken down a bit.  They also get to know me better and trust me as a result.  The problem is I am 37 years old and my body doesn't handle the lack of sleep like it used to.  I managed to sleep off and on from about midnight to 6:45 on the couch in the ETM room.  But I was up several times...a full hour between 2:45 AM and 3:45 AM.  I didn't feel tired on Saturday.  I only took a 45 minute nap around 2:45 PM.  But by 10:30 PM I was done and I slept all the way until 8 AM.  I did a short 4 mile run Saturday afternoon, but I skipped the Sunday long run.

On Monday the kids were off school, but I did had four here for child care starting at 8:30 going all the way until right before 5 PM.  I managed to get a run in around 7 AM, but it was a very busy day. Busy doesn't mean bad--just lots of activity and running from one thing to the next.  Again I was really tired by 10 PM.  On Tuesday the kids were off school and I had no child care.  You think I would feel relaxed and at peace, but I felt "off" most of the day.  I felt overly emotional too.  I love having the kids home, but I did not feel relaxed.  I went to the South Salem track and did a track workout totaling 5 miles in the late afternoon.  That helped and I felt better the rest of the evening.

I managed to get to swimming yesterday morning and it felt great to be in the pool.  I pushed myself pretty hard.  I got a lot done during the day especially because I had no child care in the afternoon.  Hailey, Derek and I ran 2 miles in the afternoon.

This morning I did not go to the gym because I felt overly tired again and we had an ice storm.  The schools were delayed by two hours and the roads were not good.  Our neighbors across the street lost  a tree that almost fell on their house.  Now the kids are home until 10:15 AM and don't really know what to do with themselves. I can't go to the gym later this afternoon or evening because Rob and I have meetings/Bible Study that conflict with one another.

 I just continue to feel "off."  My child care schedule has had no routine this's been a lot of kids for a super busy day or one or no one for a day or part of the day.  The kid's school routine has been different.  My exercise routine has been all over the place.  My sleep is still all over the place since the all nighter.  I am sleeping good, but I am waking up in the morning anytime from 5 AM to 8:30 AM and that does not work for me.  I need consistency.  I think routine is something that helps tremendously with my anxiety and moods.


The inconsistency has affected my eating.  I have not been eating great again.  I have been craving sweets and chips again. Tuesday was awful...I just kept wanting to get into the Halloween candy.  It doesn't help we don't have much fresh stuff in the house right now.  I bought some bananas and pears last night.


I sleep great at night and wake up very little.  The problem is not going to bed at the same time and not waking up at the same time and I hope to get that back on track very soon.

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