Tuesday, June 10, 2014

6/8 - 6/14

Last week Rob was gone and I didn't have a lot of help...nor did I have much time.  We had 8th grade graduation, kindergarten graduation, Moms Next breakfast etc.  I did run 4 miles on Monday and I swam for a half hour Wednesday afternoon in the pool...that's it.  :(  It's fine because now Rob is back and child care is over for the summer and I have more time.

Monday - Bike 45 minutes

Biked at Minto Brown and doing very well biking in clips. I can't clip in as fast as I would like.  Sometimes I struggle and have that fear of falling or slipping off the pedals.  I am so much better than I was last summer.

Tuesday - Ran 3 miles

I woke up with a bad headache.  Combination of PMS, allergies, and I had one beer last night at Applebees and didn't drink enough water yesterday.  I knew if I got out there, it would help.  My ipod battery was dead so I had to run without music...which turned out to be OK.  I ran at 7 AM...could get used to running this late.  Nice now that school is out I am not as pressed for time.

Wednesday - Swam 1 hour

Nice to be back with my swimming crew...except a few are taking June and July off and going to spin class instead to prepare for a bike trip.  Erica was still there and so I wasn't by myself.  We did a pretty intense workout and I did about half of what she did.  Nice to be in the pool again in the mornings.

Thursday - Swam 1 mile (about 45 minutes that included 3-4 very short break) in the open water

I went to my first swim at the reservoir. I had never been out there before and unfortunately it's a good half hour or 45 minute drive one way.  I knew this guy Len was going to be there and we kept posting on the club Facebook board so I expected him.  Not sure if anyone else would be there.  He was super helpful as he knew all the distances.  I followed behind him the whole time.  He was quite a ways ahead, but I could always look up and see him in the distance.  It really was a great swim and I am liking the open water now that I can do it finally.  It was a little colder than VW's lake and my face was getting numb near the end and my arms somewhat chilled.  I just kept swimming.  Len thinks we did about a mile which is awesome!  We took a few very short breaks about 1-2 minutes long at the most.  The reservoir is a little clearer and less weed than VB's lake, but I still might go to their lake again too since it's so much closer.

Friday - Group Power

It is nice to have more freedom on when to exercise.  I went to 9:30 Power which is a nice crowd and the instructor is pretty lively.  My goal was to do all the push ups on my toes and I nearly did.  My arms are much stronger thanks to swimming and gardening.  I enjoy Power so much more now and grateful for the summer when I am not locked into going only Thursday early morning...I have more options now.

Saturday - Brick - Biked 1/2 hour Ran 3 miles

 Good workout and biked in clips on the street.  :)

Sunday - Rest

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