Monday, January 10, 2011

January 10 - 16

Monday - 360 Fitness for 20 minutes

This is another Comcast on Demand Exercise program and it is very similar to Group Active which was offered at my gym which I never went to. It is similar to Group Power, but offers more aerobics and hand weights whereas Power was 60 minutes of weights. I met a guy at the CIM marathon who said not to do an excessive amount of weight training with running. He said some is good. He followed a program where you do lots of weights and he said it was an absolute waste of time. His time in the marathon was terrible. I enjoyed talking to him because he has done Boston and runs a couple marathons a he knows what he is talking about. I do miss the gym, but I am finding these 20 minute workouts more practical for this phase of life. Two hours of power a week was hard to schedule. Very few weeks it actually happened.

This workout was great. At first I was not sure how it was going to go since both Hailey and Derek were up. I tried to start at 2 PM while they were having Quiet Time/Naps. The Comcast cable box was being a pain in the butt again and it took FOREVER to even get to On Demand. Derek decided not to nap today. The boy was SO SLEEP DEPRIVED we put him to bed at 6:50 PM. The kids were really patient with me and did not get in my way at all. Derek tried to participate a little and Hailey mostly looked at books. I was able to complete everything and feel like I worked all the core muscles. I would feel a little better if I owned hand weights. Will probably buy some soon. I liked this particular workout and might try another "360" again.

Tuesday - Ran 2 Miles

I run really good when I am ticked off. Had a crummy afternoon with the kids. Too much fighting, whining, name it. And the cat marked on the carpet again. Rob had to go out to Portland for an emergency today, but thought he might take a break around 4. He said I could 20 minutes while he took a break. Worked out well and did not expect him to do that for me. I ran the same route as Saturday and it went well. I went the opposite way. I picked up the pace more. It was cold and there were was slight icy snow falling. But the roads were not slippery yet. Is winter over yet!? We are all having cabin fever and the walls of these house are closing in on me!! So glad Trisha wants to go out tomorrow night.

I also miss the gym. Not sure I would want to go back to getting up at 4:50 AM, running on the treadmill, or paying $50.00/month. So maybe it is OK to not have it right now.

Wednesday - Rest

Thursday - Rest

Was planning on Yoga today either in the afternoon or evening. This Animal Science class is eating up a lot of time. It's a lot of work! I cannot push myself to do everything.

Friday - Timed Run - 2 miles

Mile #1 - 7:46 (almost the same time I got in 8th grade!)

Mile #2 - 16:36

With this training program I will start in February I am going to be doing intervals. I want to concentrate on pacing. Did a little with training for Sacramento, but want to use it more faithfully in my training. I know I can do 8 minute miles for at least 3-4 miles because I was doing them on the treadmilll. My best 5ks I kept a 8:30 pace. With the Riverbank, I believe it was more a 9 mile pace. The marathon was 10:05 pace. I did my regular 2 mile route I did on Tuesday. Finished Mile #1 at less than 8 minutes and finished 2 miles in 16:36. Did not stop to walk at all. Could keep it up the whole way but had to keep reminding myself to not zone out and keep the faster pace.

Saturday - Ran 3 Miles

Feel like I am back! Feel really strong while I am running with no pain. And not too winded either. Had a great run despite the awful weather we had all weekend. Constant rain. No sun. At least we are in the 50's. I am ready for spring. It was not running too hard. I did my regular 3 mile run to Ewald and back. Will up it to 4 or 5 next weekend.

Sunday - Rest

It is Saturday as I am writing this...I am probably not going to run tomorrow because Hailey is going to have a friend over at church (possibly). With Rob needing to rest in the afternoons, and the fact I was going to watch a movie with Hailey and her friend--not going to try go out running too. I want to go to the evening service tomorrow. I have not gone in weeks. If for some reason the friend cannot make it, I will try and do yoga during Hailey's rest time. Not planning on it though.

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