Monday, February 16, 2015

2/14 & 2/15: 15.2 miles!

On Saturday I was able to get out of bed before 8:00 am and run 7 miles at the South Salem Track.  I did a 2 mile warm up, 1 mile with 400 recovery, 2 x 800, 400, 800, all with 400 recovery and a cool down.  The track was very busy when I got there but by the time I was on my last mile everyone was gone.  It was warm with a lot of fog in the air.  I treated myself to Jamba Juice afterwards which was my incentive of getting up early on a Saturday morning.  We had a very busy weekend with going out for Valentines Day, basketball games, Rob's book signing, getting together with the Roth's, and church on Sunday.  I am thankful we have President's Day to recover and the weather has been so warm in the 60's.  We can do a lot outside for the time being.  It will get cold and rainy again before it stays warm for good.

On Sunday I did my long run in the afternoon and I am at 15.2 miles.  I did 9 miles with a detour at home to get more hammer gel and sports drink and then did the rest of the run.  My last couple miles I was going to run off Madrona which goes by Berger Lake.  Someone was telling me have a small lake practically right in our neighborhood.  Well it turns out it is a gated community and I couldn't get through.  Instead I had to run up Hillview which is a miserable steep hill.  I did quite a few hills and I am still struggling on them.  I think I walked 8-9 times for around 30 seconds each.  However my pace was normal.  I feel like I am going so slow and taking forever, but I'm really not.  I would like to be able to run up with the hills without having to stop halfway up.  I also realized I don't like running in the afternoon.  It takes a big chunk of the day.  I would much rather run in the mornings.  The problem is that it still not getting light until 7:00 am so a lot of it is running in the dark.

I am not very sore today despite the long run but I am resting.  Tomorrow I am running with Tracy again.

I ate pretty well all weekend.  We had pizza Saturday night which isn't the healthiest.  But I didn't get a hot dog at the game and instead snacked on carrots and peanut butter.

I have not had any sleep issues lately.  Everyone is healthy.  Derek is coughing a tiny bit at night but his cold was so mild.  We think Rob had mildly too but he hardly noticed it.

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