Saturday, March 13, 2021

Week #12 and Repeating Week #12

 Monday (22):  I did some stretching, weights, and riding the stationary bike at the gym.  Trying to strengthen my glutes to see if it will help with this lateral knee pain.

Tuesday (23):  Ran 6 miles to Bryan Johnson Park and back.  Some pain but not nearly as bad as I expected.  First time running with the wireless head phones.

Wednesday (24):  Pretty busy day getting ready to leave for Michigan so I did not make it to the gym.

Thursday (25) - Sunday (28):  I was in Michigan/Chicago.  While we were pretty active walking, I decided to not exercise and see if that would help my knee heal.  

The marathon I wanted to do on the Oregon Coast went virtual and I really don't want to do a virtual marathon.  The other one I was looking at that same weekend is on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington which would be absolutely beautiful.  It is like a five hour drive and I don't think I could get that Monday off work.  The one I want to do is in North Bend, Washington.  It has not been cancelled yet and they will make a decision on March 24th.  I am hoping it does happen.  If it doesn't I don't have a lot of options.  I am ahead of schedule training wise so I decided to repeat Week #12.  I figured it can't do any harm--it might actually do some good.

Monday (1):  Lots of walking in Chicago

Tuesday (2):  Rest.  Very exhausted from travel.

Wednesday (3):  Ran 6 miles.  Some knee pain again.  It's like with the rest nothing really changes and in some ways it gets worse because the muscles are being worked.  The dynamic stretching before I run and the stretching afterwards helps.  It makes a pretty big difference.  On a pain scale with 1 being I don't feel any pain to 10 I can hardly run, I would rank it at a 5.

Thursday (4):  Ran 6 miles.  It was  good run and there is knee pain again.  It's not any worse but not better.  It is not throughout the whole run.  Running downhill triggers it.  I would still rank it at a 5.  I am slower and and struggling on the uphill but I think that is due to taking time off.  I also had not drank enough.  I was so thirsty after running I could hardly get enough water.  I felt thirsty the rest of the day.  I have done awesome staying away from soda but I have not been drinking enough water.  I am wondering if I stay on top of it with the PT exercises everyday like when I trained for Arizona, I can keep the knee pain manageable.  I think the next few weeks will determine that.

Friday (5):  Biked 45 minutes and weights at the gym

Saturday (6):  Ran 6 miles and 4 1/2 of that was with a friend.  My knee pain was a 2 today.  I think all the stretching yesterday helped significantly.  I am also seriously thinking of doing the Willamette Valley Marathon here in Salem on May 23.  It would put me right on schedule.  I would not need to miss work or mess with travel.  I could sleep in my own bed.  Rob could watch me start and maybe watch me finish if church let out in time.  If my knee gets worse, I can easily switch to the half or even 10K.

Sunday (7):  Rest

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