Monday = Group Power. So nice to have a holiday and have Monday off! Felt like I needed it. I was able to go to daytime Group Power which I never get to go to. I took the kids ice skating in the afternoon.
Tuesday = Ran 5 miles with an average pace of 9:42. I woke up at 3:15 and could not fall asleep again. I finally fell asleep just as the alarm was going off and then I was up. I knew there was no way I was going to fall back asleep so I just got up and ran. It was a pretty decent run.
Wednesday = Rest. So tired after sleeping so little the night before and a very long workday. I slept until 7.
Thursday = Group Ride. I went to Group Ride and my triathlete friend was there as well. It was a regular ride workout.
Friday = Swam about 1/2 mile. I went at 5:30 AM as I did not have to be into work at a certain time...wanted to be there a little after 8. I don't like swimming alone as much but I like the convenience of going later when I can.
Saturday = Ran 11 miles with an average pace of around 9:40. I felt like the run started off bad from the beginning. I did not feel strong and I felt winded right away. I had to walk on a hill only the second mile. By mile 6 my IT band started really hurting. By mile 7 my phone totally crashed so I had no way to track my mileage or call if I could not run. I had mapped my run out beforehand but ended up taking some different roads so I really needed my phone. Despite a full charge when I went to bed, it was about 3/4 when I woke up. So frustrated it crashed after only an hour. I really hate my phone and I am so overdue for a new one. I stopped to stretch and that helped a little bit. I did that twice. By what I am guessing was Mile 9 my IT band hurt, but not bad enough that I could run. I felt like it was stable and I could continue. Now my knee has hurt off and on the rest of the day. I stretched, rolled, and rested. That has all helped. I am probably going to see a physical therapist in February. For now I am going to continue to run because it is not extreme pain.
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