Wednesday, November 19, 2014

November 14 to November 18: Feeling better


I am struggling with the "unmotivation" that I think every single runner faces.  I really didn't want to get up this morning.  It is frigid cold right would feel like a heat wave in Michigan...but we're not used to it having acclimated to our winters here.  It's so dark in the morning.  It makes it difficult.

Friday I made myself get up and go to Ride.  I went out to Applebees with friends on Thursday night.  I told myself I would shoot to leave by 10 and even if I got to sleep past 10:30, I would still go to Ride.  I fell asleep around 11, but still went to Ride.  Probably not enough sleep for a night, but it was well worth it.  My Friday (especially the morning) went smoother because of it.  On Saturday we hit some bazaars and went shopping which was really fun--nice to not have to be anywhere and be on our own schedule.  I ran in the later afternoon and went four miles.  On Sunday I wanted to run in the morning but it was so dark and cold--I didn't want to get up.  I did run 9 miles around 1:30 PM and it was a beautiful afternoon...and a few degrees warmer.  I switched from Hal Higdon's Marathon 3 to Half Marathon Intermediate at least until I run my half in December.  Then I'll switch back to Marathon 3 because it will take me all the way to the spring marathon I tentatively hope to run.  On Monday I did not do any exercise.  Yesterday (it's now the next day--I started this blog post on Tuesday) I ran 4 miles in the morning.  It was cold and it took me awhile to warm up, but at least it was dry.  Today I swam for an hour in the morning and we did a lot of 150's and slow/fast swims.  I felt better than last week.

Food:  I am doing better than last week.  I still have cravings for junk especially pumpkin bread, but it's not nearly as bad.  My breakfasts and some of my lunches have been pretty healthy--I've slid a little for snacks and some dinners.  I am not doing too bad.

Sleep:  My sleep has been fine.  The cat slept with us again and I didn't even know she was there until I went to the bathroom at 3 AM.  Last night I woke up at 2:30 AM to noise in the other bathroom.  I thought one of the kids was either sleep walking or else just making a lot of noise as they were going to the bathroom.  I was going to get up if it continued but I heard them going back to bed.  Turns out it was Kara throwing up and she threw up again later least she made it to the toilet both times and nothing had to be cleaned up in her bed/floor--yay!  She laid in bed all morning but really perked up by 3 PM.  Aside from her appetite not fully back, she is acting normal.  I am praying I don't get it and it stays isolated.  Pending sickness makes me overly anxious...I almost felt like I was in a panic this morning.  I had to find someone to cover youth group and change my plans for the morning...I am just too organized and don't do well when things get changed last minute.  But it is a spiritual lesson I am learning and I am trying to not control but trust God's ultimate control.  And I guess we'll just see what the next few days bring.  Kind of stinks we were dealing with this less than two months ago.  And we hardly got sick all last year.  Our school has had several kids our sick again and all the toddlers have runny noses--we just can't avoid it all.

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