Monday, April 28, 2014

April 28 - May3

Monday - 5 miles

Left the house around 6:10 AM.  Had thought about running on the track earlier, but have to pick and choose my early mornings.  Run was great and I felt tons better than yesterday.  Helps so much that is light and sunny in the mornings...very motivating.  Supposed to be a beautiful week.

Tuesday - Rest

Wednesday - 1 hour swim

We did more longer swims today--250's and 200's.  It was good.  Tried to work on form too.

Thursday - Power and Biked 35 minutes

Almost decided to sleep in, but knew I should go.  Power gets better with each week which was the case today.  I am slowly increasing my weight.  Biking on the stationary bike is not my favorite, but it was fine.

Friday - Ran 3 miles

I had to bring Hailey to school at 6 AM.  I ran afterwards.  I felt way more tired than usual and my allergies were bad.  As the day went on, I realized it was not allergies but a bad cold.  Kara had the same thing and had a fever in the afternoon.  I didn't feel like doing anything after 4:30.  I have an appetite...just really tired.  Ears plugged, sore throat, and nasal congestion.  I took a Sudafed PM to help with sleep.

Saturday - Rest

Felt pretty good when I woke up.  Took the kids to the race and felt OK there.  Felt worse as the day went on.  Kara felt feverish again after lunch.  I felt feverish with chills around 2 PM.  I slept for a half hour and felt better when I woke up.  Ears still plugged off and on, throat not as bad, and congestion.  Originally I hoped to bike this afternoon, but the weather is awful.  I just still feel fatigued.  I will probably take tomorrow off as well.

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