Tuesday, October 29, 2013

10/28 - 11/3

Monday - Rest

Tuesday - Ran 3 miles

I decided to take a vacation from exercise.  I just really needed a break from it.  I was starting to get obsessed with it and pushing myself too hard.  I didn't even go into the exercise center while we in St. Maarten and I was totally OK with that.  I took a break from exercise and technology and it was wonderful.  With that being said, it is somewhat of transition coming home.  The first couple days it was fatigue.  We were going to bed between 8:30 and 9.  Even taking naps during the day when we could.  Then I just felt like I was in this black cloud--irritable and moody.  I have tried to control it around the kids and have done fairly well--better than normal.  I had fun at the Harvest Carnival, but part of me felt like I was going through the motions.  I had a hard time at church on Sunday--I just didn't want to talk to anyone.  On Sundays like this I actually do a lot better at the evening service when there are less people and it's more relaxed.  Another reason to keep going to evening church, I guess. :)  Yesterday morning I woke up again still feeling enveloped in this black cloud.  As I started to clean, make to-do lists, and do activities with the kids--I actually felt a lot better.  I still don't feel 100% mentally, but I think I'll get there soon.  I am looking forward to going to Christina's house later this morning because I always feel better after hanging out with her.

I managed to get myself out of bed and run today.  I think I have this mindset running after 2 weeks off--it's going to be so hard and painful.  It really wasn't at all.  Despite it being SO incredibly dark out in the mornings now and it's been colder in the high 30's/low 40's--it was a great run.  I could have run longer if I had to.  I don't what or if I am training for anything right now.  I got invited to do Shamrock again.  I'd like to do a Turkey Trot possibly once we figure out what we're doing on Thanksgiving.  But not sure if I am going to do any major runs this winter.

Wednesday - Swam 1 hour

It was so great to swim today.  Erica was back and Tracey was there.  It was a hard workout, but I was glad I pushed myself.  I would not have worked out as hard had I been alone.  I think my strokes are getting stronger.  I really enjoyed.

I feel like I can record this here versus my other blog.  Too many people read that one and they don't need all the inside scoop on my moods and my personal life.  :)  It does help to go back and track my moods versus the time of year, circumstances etc.  Today was a pretty challenging today.  Some was totally out of my control--the kids had bad days.  I also was juggling a lot with youth group tonight.  As much as I love youth ministry, I just don't feel the passion as much this year.  I don't know if that's because I am coming off vacation or I can't devote as much time to it.  I don't know.  I don't feel as anxious about it like I have in previous years, but I don't feel as excited.  Kara is also struggling and I was able to put my finger on it.  She misses Derek when he's at school, but she still struggles a lot when he comes home. It's beyond the adjustment of a new school year (it's been two months now since school started and we finished the first quarter).  She feels threatened when Derek plays with the child care kids (they are way more his friends than hers) and intentionally picks fights and just can't get along with him.  The other day she was up from her nap and picked a fight with him within a minute of getting up.  She often fights with him about five minutes after he's home--it's like clockwork.  I need to do something different with her.  Rob suggested getting her to help me with things when the big kids come home from school or choose an activity she can do.  Just reassure her.  Regardless she needs to be supervised outside with the other kids.  The weather has been so nice they play outside after coming home from school.  She often wants to join them.  She doesn't play well with them and she's often screaming at Derek within five minutes.  I really saw it affecting Anna this week--she's been quieter and mellow--and somewhat annoyed by the drama.  Something really has to change because I can't keep dealing with their fights all afternoon.  They're not like normal conflicts they have like when Hailey comes home--deciding on a TV show or not helping with the cleaning or even being bossy.  They are insecure intentionally picking a fight to piss the one other off conflicts.  And they really need to stop.  She's beginning to thrive off negative attention and it's not healthy. I would rather deal with the other kind of conflicts--much easier to manage.

Thursday - Rest

Much better day with all the kids!!

Friday - Group Ride

I got up early and went to Ride.  It was nice to be back on the stationary bike in the class setting--it has been awhile.  Erica who I swim with was there too but I didn't realize until we were in the locker room.  She was sitting in the front and I was in the back.  Angie was also in the locker room coming from the pool and started training again after a six week break.  She is a mom to young kids too and competitive triathlete.  She was voted female triathlete of the year in our club.  Rob says I have a female crush on her.  I said I just look up to her and what she's been able to accomplish.  It's just a joke with that old Seinfeld episode where George idolizes Elaine's rock climbing boyfriend.

It was a super long day.  I had kids from 7 AM until 4:30 PM, ran to Wal Mart, decorated our trunk, helped Hailey carve a pumpkin and then was at the school harvest party until 8:30.  I was so drained and tired by the end of the day.  I think I am dealing with some mild depression because my moods are all over the map and I feel more emotional than normal.  Not quite sure what is going on.  I think it's helpful to track it here because I can't always remember the day to day.  I did start taking Vitamin C supplements and I have been taking Zinc when I get cold like symptoms.  I feel like I'm taking a ridiculously amount of vitamins, but I have not had any major cold yet.  Typically by October I've had at least one bad cold.  With all the kids in the house and both the baby and toddler have had bad colds already, I've avoided it.

Saturday - Group Power

Today is the first Saturday in I don't know how many that I can actually go to Power.  It hurt as usual when you don't go in several weeks.  I would like to do Power once a week but it gets tricky because our weekends in the fall are so busy.  I can't always do Thursday early morning.  It's so tough to go when I have youth group the night before.  It was great to be there and stretch some of those muscles again I've avoided the last couple weeks.  I still don't feel the greatest mentally again today, but I honestly don't think it's going to be a long term thing this time.  I really think I need 2 weeks post vacation to feel normal.  This summer it totally helped coming home from Michigan and having Rob home all week.  The kids were in VBS/camp all morning so we had every single morning totally free.  It was a relaxing week and even the weeks that followed were very low key with little going on.  It's not that way this time.  We jumped right into Halloween activities and we were way more sleep deprived.  And Derek & Kara are just going through a big adjustment period and it's more Kara than Derek.  After Rob and I talked, that's what we think it is.  I am going to keep continue to monitor my mental health to see if I do need to call Dr. V and change doses or meds.

Sunday - 4 mile run

Really good run in the afternoon. 50 degrees. No rain.  Perfect.  It was a good day.  First day I feel more than halfway normal and the kids did great today too.  Derek & Kara fought very little if at all.  Ready for a new week.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Short Break

I had planned on taking Sunday off after the Mud Run.  I was so incredibly tired after church.  I think I slept well over an hour on the couch.  The bee stung my right ankle.  It was itchy and a little sore, but it didn't hurt that bad.  It hurt more as the day went on.

On Monday I woke up and it was more swollen and hurt really bad.  I was limping. I could probably run, but why put myself in more pain than what I already am?  I called the doctor just to make sure I was using the right cream and taking the right medication.  Plus we leave for St. Maarten on Wednesday.  If I needed an antibiotic ointment or anything, I wanted it now.  Dr. V's office said just to ice it and take Claritin or Benadryl.

I felt OK after the pumpkin patch, but I was walking around almost the whole morning.  I probably sat for a half hour at the most.  It was getting really painful.  Rob looked at it and touched the punctured area and I about cried.  I was stung at least twice...possibly three times.  I iced it while the kids played on the church playground.  That helped.  It was still pretty swollen.  I took a Tylenol for pain and that helped significantly.  I also took a Claritin.

Right now it's not as painful.  I have been walking normally.  It just itches like crazy.  The swelling has gone down considerably.  I will be fine.

What I learned about Benadryl is that it makes me very loopy and woozy.  I also learned it doesn't help me sleep--it does the exact opposite.  The last two nights I have taken it, I've had restless broken sleep. Normally I sleep very well, but not the last two nights.  I don't feel rested. I had a hard time getting up this morning.  Ugh I don't like Benadryl anymore.

Tomorrow we leave for St. Maarten.  I will probably work out in the exercise center a few times, but I'm not following any kind of training plan until we're back.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

October 7 - October 13

Rob & I were trying to figure out this weekend how we can make our schedule that work that I can get morning exercise in, go to bed at a decent hour, he can get his doctorate work done, and we can still spend time together in the evening.  It's not easy!!  Normally I wouldn't want to be in by 10, but most mornings I have to be up and ready to go by 7 AM. I am naturally a night owl. But if I can't exercise during his lunch or most evenings (some evenings I can but not many) it has to be mornings.  I am getting used to it.

So we're going to try and put the kids to bed between 7:30 and 8, spend time together until 9.  Rob will work from 9-10.  I can still be in bed at a decent hour.  Each week is different because some things are every other (like teaching preschool, Family Night at church), some things are once a month, and others are just random.  So I'm going to try to set a goal each week, but I'm not going to beat myself up if I can't match it.

Goal for this week:  Monday: Track Workout Tuesday:  Rest  Wednesday:  Swim  Thursday:  Group Power  Friday:  Short Run Outside  Saturday:  Mud Run  Sunday:  Rest or bike (depending on weather)

Monday: Track Workout - approximately 6 miles

I did make it to the track workout.  There were eight of us there.  I went my own pace and didn't care that I was running alone a good part of the time.  No one else seemed to care either.  :) I did the same workout they did and I was about 800 meters behind. They were really nice.  The workout was lighter compared to other weeks.  That was fine with me.  I have had a sinus headache off and on since yesterday that has not responded to Tylenol. I also had ear pressure most of last night that thankfully did not interfere with my sleep. I took Muccinex this afternoon and that took the edge off. Now it's been gone for a few hours.  Hope it doesn't come back.  I also have had anxiety related to hormones which thankfully is also subsiding now.  I feel like I can finally breathe again.  I am so glad I got up early and ran this morning and got some outside air.  I think today would have been ten times worse if I slept in.

Tuesday:  Rest

Wednesday:  Swam 1 hour

It was just Tracey and I again.  We did a workout similar to last week.  It was really good to get in the pool.  I felt great afterwards and like I pushed myself.

Thursday:  Stationary Bike 37 minutes

I decided I am going to stick with just two early mornings for now.  I may increase it to 3, but right now two is about what I can handle.  I skipped Power and went to the gym at 6 AM versus 5 AM and rode the stationary bike.  Good workout.  Not my favorite workout, but glad I went to the gym and worked out.

Friday - Rest

I did take Judah on a stroller walk, but we probably only walked about 1 1/2 miles.  I was not walking very fast.  :)

Saturday - Detroit Mud Run 1:12.34

I got to Karen's house around 7:30.  We stopped in Stayton and picked up her friend Cindy.  We got into Detroit at 8:45.  It was nice to be able to get our bibs, stretch, and talk for a few minutes before starting.  I have a habit of getting to races way too early and end up sitting around forever.  I was going to run with Karen and Cindy the first few miles, but I do have a faster pace.  Once we got going, I really wanted to just go.  They had planned on me doing that.  The first part of the run was along the road and easy trail.  Then we were in marshy grass with mud here and there.  Then we were on rocks (my least favorite).  Once we got over the rocks it was thick squishy mud.  I have to admit--it was pretty fun.  I loved all the natural obstacles.  There was one point where we had to cross a creek.  It was hard to jump because the mud was very thick.  Some of the people stepped in the water and didn't realize the depth.  They were up to their waist in mud/water.  I followed these girls who knew what they were doing.  I managed to avoid getting that wet.

Once we crossed to the island, we climbed up this slope and we were in the woods.  I was running by this guy and he asked me if I was doing OK.  I said I felt like something bit me or stung me.  At first I thought it was little pieces of rock scraping my ankle.  Then I felt the sting through my ankle and it was starting to burn. He said something probably bit me.  Then I looked down at my sock and saw a dead bee stuck to it.  It didn't feel too bad so I kept on going.  Once I got to the aid station, the girl running next to me said she got stung on the leg.  I stopped and looked at my ankle and pulled the stinger out.  She looked at my ankle to make sure I got it.  She told the guys at the aid station lots of people were getting stung.  He said he felt bad, but he wasn't sure if he could do anything about it.  Cindy got stung too more than once, but Karen managed to avoid the bees.  They think someone disturbed a bee's nest and it caused them to swarm.

I managed to run fine despite the fact my ankle was burning.  It went in and out.  It didn't hurt enough to quit running.  We went through more mud before we had to cross some creeks and rocks.  The last bit on the run was trail which lead to the road coming into Detroit.  I finished at 1:12.  Karen and Cindy came in about ten minutes later.

The post race food was amazing!  Great harvest bread with peanut butter, homemade soups, beer, cornbread.  It tasted SO good.

The temperature was perfect--high 50's/low 60's.  Only a little sprinkle or rain.  The scenery with the mountains and fall colors was amazing.  I wish I would have had my camera, but had fears of dropping it in the mud.  My biggest fear was my shoes coming off and being suction cupped in the mud.  This happened to some kids, but I was pretty careful to not let it happen.

After I finished I went to the medic to get something for the bee sting pain.  He said LOTS of people got stung.  He had to follow protocol and take my blood pressure and ask if I needed to go the hospital which I of course didn't.  He gave me two big Benadryl pills.  I should have just asked for one or really skipped it all together.  I didn't have much of an allergic reaction.  I am pretty sure I am not allergic at all to bees or I would have known it.  I just remember when Kara got stung this summer, Cheryl had some type of medicine that really helped.  On the car ride I started to feel loopy.  I was trying to follow the conversation, but I really wanted to shut my eyes.  I probably would have fallen asleep.

I knew I could safely drive home.  It wasn't that long of a drive.  If I would have to drive like a half hour or more, I would have been more concerned.  I told Rob I was in a Benadryl stupor and I needed to sleep.  I slept for like 40 minutes.  Then he had to go into the office.  I tried to get up, but I think laid there for another hour.  Derek & Kara were both napping and Hailey was playing upstairs.  I still felt loopy after I got up and I was getting a sinus head ache.  Once I walked around and started cleaning I felt better.  I did have this loopy edge the rest of the day.  I took Advil for the sinus head ache and that went away.

I'm so glad I did it!  I would LOVE to do another trail run. I like the natural obstacles and I don't mind getting a little dirty.  I got 4th place in my age category and 117th out of 261.  Not bad!!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

October 1 - 7

Monday - Rest

Tuesday - Ran 5 miles

Kara had co-op preschool and I took the advantage of the 2 hours I get to myself twice a month and went running.  I love running the mid morning and there are few times I get to do this.  With our weekend schedule lately, it's been hard to.  I did my normal 5 mile route.  I got rained on at times, but nothing major.

Wednesday - Swam 1 hour 5 minutes

Tracey was the only triathlete there.  We were also practically the only ones in the pool.  A lot of the hard core triathletes take the month of October off because it's the end of the season.  She brought along a workout that we followed.  I had to modify it a bit because she is of course faster than I am.  It was nice to have company...we both agreed it's better than being there alone.  I felt more confident swimming as well.

Thursday - Ran 3 miles

I am only doing two early mornings a week and that might mean not going to Power as often which stinks.  I can't do everything.  I did have a great run this morning.  It's going to be a sunny day which I feel like I need.  It's still very strange but I just really miss summer.  I think's because we've had so few sunny days in September...very few.  And lots and lots of rain.  There really was no transition...one extreme to the next.  Although my anxiety is minimal, I think it does affect my moods at times.  I am trying to get outside even if it is raining.  On Monday I bundled Judah up and put him in the stroller with a roof over him and put Kara in her raincoat.  We went for a short walk in the rain.  Although we were wet and muddy, (Judah stayed the driest) I really needed it.

Friday - Rest

Saturday - Ran 45 minutes

I had an awesome run on the beach in Lincoln City!!  We were staying about a half mile from beach for the marriage retreat and our first session did not start until 10 AM.  So I had plenty of time to go for a run.  It was amazing.  I LOVE the coast.

Sunday - Outside biking 45 minutes

My first bike ride ever outside of the church parking lot and Wendy Kroger Park in clips!!  It was scary at some points...especially crossing Kuebler.  I thought I was going to fall at one point.  I did it and was pretty proud of myself.