Monday, May 2, 2011

10K training Week #1 - May 2-8

Monday - 3 mile run, 10 minutes of Strength, 10 minutes of Back/Abs

Rob and I have been having a hard time getting up in the morning again. I was able to run at Rob's lunch and do strength training while the kids napped. It helps to not have a vet. course right now. My schedule greatly opened up in the afternoons. I ran through the Sumpter Park neighborhood. I did not feel as strong as yesterday, but I still felt OK. I did not have to stop and walk at all. Then I did Holly Perkin's strength training for runners and walkers. I really like Holly Perkin's workouts especially because they cater to runners and walkers. I really struggle with doing "the plank" and side "plank." This used to kill me in Group Power as well. The abs workouts are good. I really feel like I am working a part of my body I neglected for so long. I wish I was not so hungry all the time and craving junk. I need to work on that!

Tuesday - 3 mile run

Rob did not sleep very well last night and decided to sleep until 7 AM. I was lazy and could not get up. I went running at 6:45 PM and it was SO nice out. Everyone was out--runners, walkers, bikers. The weather was warm and it was a BEAUTIFUL evening. I ran Liberty to Holder to Lone Oak route. I felt great.

Wednesday - 35 minutes tempo run & Abs and Back - 10 minutes

I've never done tempo runs so this is new to me. They recommend doing it on a track and a friend of mine said the track at Crossler Middle School is open to the public. They also recommend doing a flat course. I just ran my 2 mile speed run course and up and down my street. I ran a slower pace for a half mile and ran hard for a half mile. I did this three times. I know the speed work is really good for me. I need to work on pacing. I am just used to running by distance not by time. So I was not sure how to far to run and what route to take. Now I have a better idea of it. I also did the abs workout. Which is getting a lot easier.

Thursday - Rest Day

Friday - Hills - Ran 3 miles, 10 minutes of strength, 10 minutes of back/abs
I was really crabby in the morning and I just wanted to clean--and everyone to leave me alone. The weather was awful by the afternoon, but I knew I had to run. I would be even more crabby if I skipped out. I ran the hills behind Roths. Although it was so rainy and cool, I felt better after 1 mile. I felt strong and it did break me out of my crummy mood.
I also did 10 minutes of Holly Perkin's strength training and 10 minutes of Exercise TV Amy Dixon's back and abs. Both were good and are getting easier to complete. Been trying to work on my form as well.

Saturday - Long Run - Ran 4 miles

I ran my 4 mile run through Sumpter Park. The sun came out and it felt great! Felt really good to run today.

Sunday - Rest
I really wanted to cross train, but could not squeeze it in. Rob made a special breakfast, then it was getting ready for Sunday School, then church. then lunch at Hilda's. Rob had to get ready for evening church by the time we got back. I stayed home from evening church with the kids. By 8 PM, I was absolutely exhausted. I don't mind those "marathon" Sundays once in awhile, but they take a lot out of me. I was practically crying by the end of the day I was so tired.

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