Monday - Ran 3.5 miles
I have been really fatigued since we came from Portland (went to bed before 10 last night). I am not showing any symptoms of the intestinal thing everyone else has. Just "sleep" tired after a busy weekend. So I did not time myself or go at a super fast pace. I think I did around 9-10 minute miles. I did the same Lone Oak to Holder to Liberty route. I also feel a little tired on the Holder to Liberty turn, but I seem to get a second wind after the first Liberty hill. That was the case today. I felt really good. I didn't struggle as much I thought I might after taking a few days off.
I was glad I ran at 5 PM because it was pouring rain at lunch. I don't mind running in the rain. But it was a cold we rain. The weather was terrible today and everyone is really crabby. I know that is because not everyone is at their best healthwise right now. It could be so much worse. Honestly I am blessed that we not have dealt with half the stuff we faced last fall and winter.
My anxiety was low pretty much all weekend except for when I found out Rob was sick. Then I was able to get myself together and deal with it without panic. I was a little anxious today because I am worried about my Animal Science exam...I need to get my grade up! I felt better after e-mails back and forth to my professor. I am a little anxious about finding adult chaperones to this middle school event, but Rob assured me it would work out.
And this would be I HATE THIS TIME OF YEAR!!! Yes, I am yelling. EVERYONE got sick this week except for Derek who pretty much kept me company...except he was sick last week. My routine got thrown out the window. Ugh! Since I did not get sick, I was the nurse all week. Which was a nicer role to play than being sick...but still it was a rough week.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
Week #3
Monday - Yoga Beauty AM - 46 minutes
This yoga program was slower and more focused which I really like compared to Centergy class. Of course Century is a mix of yoga, pilates, and tai chi (not sure if that is how you spell it). This was all straight yoga. The stretching felt amazing. Very renewing. Not too strenuous, but just enough that I felt like I was working all areas of my body. It was a little more new agey than I would have liked. The voiceovers were a little silly. Derek came in the last three minutes of it and asked, "Mommy, are you watching the Lion King?" Hailey liked the yoga instructor because she said she looked like Jasmine from Aladdin. You can tell we're on a Disney kick around here. :) Anyway I started at 6:30 AM which was a perfect time to do it. The kids normally get up at 7, but with not having school today they got up at 7:15. I am highly motivated right now and I love it! I really hope I can continue. I have been waking up and not being hit with this, "I don't want to get up and do this today" type feeling I was facing in late December/early January.
I think I was to try Yoga Sunrise and then decide which yoga program I like the best. So far I would have to say Yogaworks is my favorite, but that one was much faster and way more tiring...not sure if I would want to do it first thing in the morning.
Not sure if I am going to the 1/2 marathon or 5K in Eugene. Aletha is doing the 1/2 for sure and going up on Sunday morning so I could ride with her. Winter is speaking on Friday and I wouldn't mind going down for that. I have to talk to Rob and figure it out. He is hit with such extra this week with Herb's funeral and Classis that I almost want to wait to figure out our spring plans.
Tuesday - 2 Miles (Mile #1 - 7:34 Mile #2 - 16:19)
First mile was a little slower, but second mile was faster than normal! I am getting better at pushing myself as they say runners should be: "comfortable with being uncomfortable." I was too cold...should have worn a knit hat versus my visor. The temperature dropped over the last 24 hours. It's been raining in and out all day, but I got out during Rob's tea break (around 3ish) and it was not raining at the moment.
I am not doing the half. My reason is because I cannot leave Rob with all his responsibilities and all three kids on a Sunday again. Once a year or every other year is OK, but not less than six months later. If he were off that Sunday, that is one thing. But he's not off so it will not work. I am OK with it. I would love to run with Aletha, but it won't work. I will be doing the Team Winter 5K the day before (on Saturday) and we might stay in Eugene overnight. That should still be fun. I am still following the easy half training plan to get my mileage up. It could be I do a half this summer or train for a full for next fall or spring of 2012. I would love, love to do the Newport Marathon...who would not want to run a marathon on the Oregon Coast!? Or else Chicago or Grand Rapids 2012. We'll see...the possibilities are endless.
Wednesday - Ran 3.5 miles & Fitness 360 Cardio (25 minutes)
I figured I should try and get out and run today. With the "snowstorm" or whatever you want to call it...if it actually does hit Salem...will probably keep me from being able to run tomorrow. No one plows the roads and the ice along the sides of the road is too much. Our schedule has been jam packed. Since small group was cancelled tonight and we were just having a simple dinner, I ran from 5:30 - 6 while Rob made dinner. It was just getting dark when I got back...nice to have a little more daylight. I did the Lone Oak to Holder back to Liberty route. At first I felt winded and tight, but I felt great once I got to Holder. It was much colder. The temperature on the cleaners said it 33, but it did not feel like it was that cold. I wore my running shirt, jacket, knit hat, and mittens...and I was not too warm. Reminded me of the back in the day doing long runs in Michigan wearing a sweatshirt in between my long sleeved running shirt and jacket plus spandex pants with wind pants over them. I think one time I even wore a scarf. :) And I was the only one crazy enough to be running in that.
Because small group was canceled I got caught up on Animal Science and Banner work this afternoon while the kiddos were napping, I did Fitness 360 tonight. I felt different doing it at night especially after I ran. It was a really good workout especially for the abs.
Now I am really, really hoping I don't get whatever Derek had and whatever Kara might have. And if I do get it, it's mild. We'll wait and see...not quite in the clear yet.
Thursday - Yogaworks Beginners 45 minutes
I like this program the best and I think it is the one I am going to stick with at this point. I like it how they talk through each pose to make sure you are stretching the right muscles--something I did not get with Centergy. Centergy also moved so much faster. I liked how this slow and progressing to one pose to the next with time to breathe in between. It felt really good especially on my hamstring muscles. I could have run this afternoon because the snow was all metled by 11 AM, but I am glad I got in yesterday evening. Enjoyed being home all day tackling things and spending extra time with Hailey (who had a snow day).
Friday, Saturday & Sunday
I did not run all weekend because we were in Portland and I could not get away. I was planning on running on Friday, but I had too many other things to catch up on. It was a pretty busy day with the funeral. I did some cross training in Portland--walking around the airport and IKEA plus playing with the kids in the pool. I was hoping to run Sunday afternoon when I got back. Rob really needed to sleep all afternoon so I couldn't leave him with the kids. As of right now everyone has gotten sick but me. Am I doomed to get it earlier next week? Or did I get lucky?
This yoga program was slower and more focused which I really like compared to Centergy class. Of course Century is a mix of yoga, pilates, and tai chi (not sure if that is how you spell it). This was all straight yoga. The stretching felt amazing. Very renewing. Not too strenuous, but just enough that I felt like I was working all areas of my body. It was a little more new agey than I would have liked. The voiceovers were a little silly. Derek came in the last three minutes of it and asked, "Mommy, are you watching the Lion King?" Hailey liked the yoga instructor because she said she looked like Jasmine from Aladdin. You can tell we're on a Disney kick around here. :) Anyway I started at 6:30 AM which was a perfect time to do it. The kids normally get up at 7, but with not having school today they got up at 7:15. I am highly motivated right now and I love it! I really hope I can continue. I have been waking up and not being hit with this, "I don't want to get up and do this today" type feeling I was facing in late December/early January.
I think I was to try Yoga Sunrise and then decide which yoga program I like the best. So far I would have to say Yogaworks is my favorite, but that one was much faster and way more tiring...not sure if I would want to do it first thing in the morning.
Not sure if I am going to the 1/2 marathon or 5K in Eugene. Aletha is doing the 1/2 for sure and going up on Sunday morning so I could ride with her. Winter is speaking on Friday and I wouldn't mind going down for that. I have to talk to Rob and figure it out. He is hit with such extra this week with Herb's funeral and Classis that I almost want to wait to figure out our spring plans.
Tuesday - 2 Miles (Mile #1 - 7:34 Mile #2 - 16:19)
First mile was a little slower, but second mile was faster than normal! I am getting better at pushing myself as they say runners should be: "comfortable with being uncomfortable." I was too cold...should have worn a knit hat versus my visor. The temperature dropped over the last 24 hours. It's been raining in and out all day, but I got out during Rob's tea break (around 3ish) and it was not raining at the moment.
I am not doing the half. My reason is because I cannot leave Rob with all his responsibilities and all three kids on a Sunday again. Once a year or every other year is OK, but not less than six months later. If he were off that Sunday, that is one thing. But he's not off so it will not work. I am OK with it. I would love to run with Aletha, but it won't work. I will be doing the Team Winter 5K the day before (on Saturday) and we might stay in Eugene overnight. That should still be fun. I am still following the easy half training plan to get my mileage up. It could be I do a half this summer or train for a full for next fall or spring of 2012. I would love, love to do the Newport Marathon...who would not want to run a marathon on the Oregon Coast!? Or else Chicago or Grand Rapids 2012. We'll see...the possibilities are endless.
Wednesday - Ran 3.5 miles & Fitness 360 Cardio (25 minutes)
I figured I should try and get out and run today. With the "snowstorm" or whatever you want to call it...if it actually does hit Salem...will probably keep me from being able to run tomorrow. No one plows the roads and the ice along the sides of the road is too much. Our schedule has been jam packed. Since small group was cancelled tonight and we were just having a simple dinner, I ran from 5:30 - 6 while Rob made dinner. It was just getting dark when I got back...nice to have a little more daylight. I did the Lone Oak to Holder back to Liberty route. At first I felt winded and tight, but I felt great once I got to Holder. It was much colder. The temperature on the cleaners said it 33, but it did not feel like it was that cold. I wore my running shirt, jacket, knit hat, and mittens...and I was not too warm. Reminded me of the back in the day doing long runs in Michigan wearing a sweatshirt in between my long sleeved running shirt and jacket plus spandex pants with wind pants over them. I think one time I even wore a scarf. :) And I was the only one crazy enough to be running in that.
Because small group was canceled I got caught up on Animal Science and Banner work this afternoon while the kiddos were napping, I did Fitness 360 tonight. I felt different doing it at night especially after I ran. It was a really good workout especially for the abs.
Now I am really, really hoping I don't get whatever Derek had and whatever Kara might have. And if I do get it, it's mild. We'll wait and see...not quite in the clear yet.
Thursday - Yogaworks Beginners 45 minutes
I like this program the best and I think it is the one I am going to stick with at this point. I like it how they talk through each pose to make sure you are stretching the right muscles--something I did not get with Centergy. Centergy also moved so much faster. I liked how this slow and progressing to one pose to the next with time to breathe in between. It felt really good especially on my hamstring muscles. I could have run this afternoon because the snow was all metled by 11 AM, but I am glad I got in yesterday evening. Enjoyed being home all day tackling things and spending extra time with Hailey (who had a snow day).
Friday, Saturday & Sunday
I did not run all weekend because we were in Portland and I could not get away. I was planning on running on Friday, but I had too many other things to catch up on. It was a pretty busy day with the funeral. I did some cross training in Portland--walking around the airport and IKEA plus playing with the kids in the pool. I was hoping to run Sunday afternoon when I got back. Rob really needed to sleep all afternoon so I couldn't leave him with the kids. As of right now everyone has gotten sick but me. Am I doomed to get it earlier next week? Or did I get lucky?
Monday, February 14, 2011
Week 2
I have been dealing with anxiety since December 26th. I have always struggled with it, but this is when I it hit hard. I feel like I have been going through a rough time...transitioning to having a busy toddler in the house. Or just dealing with some character issues. Or maybe it is just a time "in the valley." I do not want to blame it all on Kara. Derek has also been stressful with his need to touch and destroy everything. I probably took on too much this year and I am no longer in denial of that. I was having a really bad day on January 22nd to be exact (you can tell I keeping track of mood levels to see how they correlate with my monthly cycle). I was feeling stressed and overwhelmed to the point I was getting ticked off. I was trying to get all three kids ready to go to a birthday party (Rob has been working most Saturday mornings) and it was like I could not get shoes, socks, coats etc. together. Getting kids ready and out the door is by far the most stressful thing for me. I don't know why, but I often feel my anxiety escalate when we're trying to get ready to go somewhere. I think this is why I have chosen to stay home so much this year. Rob came home early and finished getting the kids ready and took them to Roths to buy a birthday present which gave me a fifteen minute break. I remember feeling like trying to run this half marathon and doing all these timed runs was too much. I was taking on more than I can handle. Although I did not feel a lot of pressure from anyone, it felt like a weight of my shoulder when I decided to drop it.
Plus I should mention this Animal Science class is a three credit class and it's tough! I did horrible on the first test. Studying in the afternoon is not what it used to be. Hailey, of course, does not nap anymore. Derek fights it at least a couple times a week. Kara had a couple bad afternoons in there as well. I study the best between 8:30 - 10:00 PM at night. That is not always possible the nights we have things going on.
Then Aletha e-mailed me last week and said she was going to do Eugene and had registered. I told her at Christmas I was going to do it and would run it with her. I felt bad because I had been really wanting a running partner since Trena moved to Hawaii. She is just as busy as I am. She's a young mom and a doctor (first time in my life I have a friend who is a MD). At first I told her I was out and she said she understood. Then I e-mailed her the next morning and said, "Well maybe I'm not fully out yet."
I was following Hal's intermediate plan because my mileage was up from the marathon. It seemed silly to drop back significantly. I really wanted to work on pacing and getting my 5K time under 25 minutes. Physically, I could do it. Mentally, I can't. It is just way too overwhelming right now to run that many miles in the week. So I am going to follow the basic plan (Aletha is doing it too). I am going to time some of my runs and try to improve my pace. It is a good motivator. I am also going to keep my training casual. I might go more hard core in the summer when I have less going on (I am probably not taking a summer course or else one that is less intense). I am not going to register for Eugene yet because I want to be consistent for a few more weeks. I am not sure how quickly it fills up, but I'll take the risk.
Monday - Ran 2.65 miles (Mile #1 - 8:38 Total Time - 23:32)
I did my route to Ewald. I actually created this route a couple years ago when I set my course by time not mileage. It was before I was using Map My Run. At the time I ran it in around 30 minutes so I assumed it was 3 miles. So when I finished today I was really surprised to see I ran it in 23:32. Then I got on Map My Run and noticed I was only running 2.65 miles. That is kind of funny! I need to increase some mileage there or find a new 3 mile route. I was glad of the 8:38 mile. I used to think I was always doing 10 minute miles, but I am doing more like 8:40 - 9 minute miles.
Aside from a huge headwind on Liberty that I felt was going to blow me over, I felt really good. Felt very motivated today and glad to be outside in the natural light (even though it is cooler, gray...normal Oregon February).
The anxiety was really bad this morning. Like I called Rob at 8:30 AM and said I was already going crazy and had already yelled at Derek twice. Thankfully I got ahold of myself and we had a better morning. We even got tons of cleaning done. So amazed the house got trashed after being fully sparkling clean Saturday afternoon. I looked at the cluttered kitchen counters this morning and wanted to cry. Kara is a little tornado throughout the whole house. I think the antidepressant is taking the edge off. I am kind of wondering if I need to take it every day versus just 7-10 days out of the month.
Tuesday - Fitness 360 Cardio - 20 minutes
I did the workout this afternoon during naps. Was a great workout especially with the hand weights I am borrowing from Matt and Aletha. I can tell my muscles have not been worked in awhile. My abs need to be worked. I need to keep doing some good stretching too. Pretty tight in certain places.
Not sure how or if this 1/2 marathon is going to work. Rob has to preach that Sunday and will not be taking vacation. I could still do it, but he would have to juggle the kids as well as preach. I kind of want to do the 5k since Team Winter is sponsoring it. Then he and the kids could watch me? But I want to watch Aletha do the 1/2 and cheer her on. Don't how this will work, but we'll figure it out. If anything the 1/2 training plan is a good maintenance plan for right now to get my mileage up.
Anxiety was a little mild again this morning. Not where I wish it would be, but not as overpowering either. It helped the house was cleaner and I got a little bit with Kara and Derek before we had to pick up Hailey.
Wednesday - 2 mile run (Mile #1 - 7:44 Mile #2 - 16:48)
It's hard to run two miles fast! I really felt it after 1 1/2 miles...was quite tired. I did my regular 2 mile going past the park and up Idylwood. Had planned on running at noon, but we had a hailstorm...what is up with that? Really random. It was cold (well...cold for here) and windy today. I did feel really cold at the start, but felt better once I warmed up. It feels good to have my body moving again and exercising. Although I have had some bouts of anxiety today (more than I would like), the exercise seems to be helping. I got in a mild panic about some small things today that I don't think would have normally bothered me. Might do some mood logs later...they usually help.
Thursday - Rest
Enjoyed the rest. Anxiety was very minimal today...just got stressed about Animal Science, but nothing major.
Friday - 3.13 Mile Run (Mile #1 8:07, Mile #2 16:42, Mile #3 26:59)
I felt really good. Just a little bit of shin pain (do I need new shoes already?!) and I hate running on Liberty. There was a slight rain, but more of a mist. I did my old three mile route which was not three miles so I had to add a half mile down Hrubetz to Jones and then past our house to Nina. I am trying to get under 25 minutes, but it's hard too with the uphills and the stops. My time was probably a little less...had to stop at Ash and the intersection of Liberty and Browning.
Should clarify the stops were because of cars/traffic...not because I was too tired.
Anxiety was non-existent today which was wonderful. Finally felt normal.
Saturday - Short walk (cross training) 360 Fitness Yoga
I am following Hal's program and wish I could do more with cross training. Since I dropped my gym membership, it's tough. Walking and some of the aerobic workouts on Exercise TV are my only options. I'd rather do so biking or swimming, but that won't work right now. Honestly it is not even worth our family budget right now to get a Snap Fitness membership. I have no desire to run on a treadmill even if it is raining outside. I'd rather endure the rain. I don't think it's worth it just for use of an exercise bike one or two times a week. I was hoping to buy a bike before the summer, but not sure if that is going to happen.
I like the 360 Fitness programs and Holly Perkins is awesome. I wish the yoga program was a little longer...pretty short. So I might try the Sunrise Yoga next week. Honestly Sunrise is a little crazy with all the chanting music and the weird voice over. It is a longer workout and I like the stretching. I need to do it. My whole body is feeling really tight right now.
Anxiety was again very minimal...hardly existant today. Glad about that. Last weekend I felt crazy and last week Friday was bad. I don't know if it is because I started running again that it is much more under control. Yet I didn't feel like I could start running again until it was. I don't know if that make any sense. What role does the medication play in it? It is like a big giant puzzle. I do know I was happy and energetic this fall when I was training for the marathon. I told Rob I wanted those feelings back. Without having to train for another marathon right now.
Sunday - Ran 4 miles
A little tough. My body is not where I want it to be physically. I tackled the hills and did not have to walk. I tried a new route going down Madrona and up Commerical to Browning and to the park. The hills on Browning were tough...I felt better once I was off those hills. I don't really time my long runs, but I think my pace was really fast in the 8 minute miles. I couldn't keep that up once I got past two miles. All in all, I felt pretty good. I know I just need to be consistent to get my miles back up.
Anxiety was very minimal today. I woke up at 6:14 AM...or I should Kara woke me up. I was deep in a dream when she woke me up. She went right back down with her pacifier. I never fell back asleep. My heart was beating faster than normal and for some reason my mind was racing. I kind of thought it would be a bad anxiety day...I stayed home from Sunday School because I thought it would be too much for me. It turned out to be fine and I felt pretty normal all day.
Plus I should mention this Animal Science class is a three credit class and it's tough! I did horrible on the first test. Studying in the afternoon is not what it used to be. Hailey, of course, does not nap anymore. Derek fights it at least a couple times a week. Kara had a couple bad afternoons in there as well. I study the best between 8:30 - 10:00 PM at night. That is not always possible the nights we have things going on.
Then Aletha e-mailed me last week and said she was going to do Eugene and had registered. I told her at Christmas I was going to do it and would run it with her. I felt bad because I had been really wanting a running partner since Trena moved to Hawaii. She is just as busy as I am. She's a young mom and a doctor (first time in my life I have a friend who is a MD). At first I told her I was out and she said she understood. Then I e-mailed her the next morning and said, "Well maybe I'm not fully out yet."
I was following Hal's intermediate plan because my mileage was up from the marathon. It seemed silly to drop back significantly. I really wanted to work on pacing and getting my 5K time under 25 minutes. Physically, I could do it. Mentally, I can't. It is just way too overwhelming right now to run that many miles in the week. So I am going to follow the basic plan (Aletha is doing it too). I am going to time some of my runs and try to improve my pace. It is a good motivator. I am also going to keep my training casual. I might go more hard core in the summer when I have less going on (I am probably not taking a summer course or else one that is less intense). I am not going to register for Eugene yet because I want to be consistent for a few more weeks. I am not sure how quickly it fills up, but I'll take the risk.
Monday - Ran 2.65 miles (Mile #1 - 8:38 Total Time - 23:32)
I did my route to Ewald. I actually created this route a couple years ago when I set my course by time not mileage. It was before I was using Map My Run. At the time I ran it in around 30 minutes so I assumed it was 3 miles. So when I finished today I was really surprised to see I ran it in 23:32. Then I got on Map My Run and noticed I was only running 2.65 miles. That is kind of funny! I need to increase some mileage there or find a new 3 mile route. I was glad of the 8:38 mile. I used to think I was always doing 10 minute miles, but I am doing more like 8:40 - 9 minute miles.
Aside from a huge headwind on Liberty that I felt was going to blow me over, I felt really good. Felt very motivated today and glad to be outside in the natural light (even though it is cooler, gray...normal Oregon February).
The anxiety was really bad this morning. Like I called Rob at 8:30 AM and said I was already going crazy and had already yelled at Derek twice. Thankfully I got ahold of myself and we had a better morning. We even got tons of cleaning done. So amazed the house got trashed after being fully sparkling clean Saturday afternoon. I looked at the cluttered kitchen counters this morning and wanted to cry. Kara is a little tornado throughout the whole house. I think the antidepressant is taking the edge off. I am kind of wondering if I need to take it every day versus just 7-10 days out of the month.
Tuesday - Fitness 360 Cardio - 20 minutes
I did the workout this afternoon during naps. Was a great workout especially with the hand weights I am borrowing from Matt and Aletha. I can tell my muscles have not been worked in awhile. My abs need to be worked. I need to keep doing some good stretching too. Pretty tight in certain places.
Not sure how or if this 1/2 marathon is going to work. Rob has to preach that Sunday and will not be taking vacation. I could still do it, but he would have to juggle the kids as well as preach. I kind of want to do the 5k since Team Winter is sponsoring it. Then he and the kids could watch me? But I want to watch Aletha do the 1/2 and cheer her on. Don't how this will work, but we'll figure it out. If anything the 1/2 training plan is a good maintenance plan for right now to get my mileage up.
Anxiety was a little mild again this morning. Not where I wish it would be, but not as overpowering either. It helped the house was cleaner and I got a little bit with Kara and Derek before we had to pick up Hailey.
Wednesday - 2 mile run (Mile #1 - 7:44 Mile #2 - 16:48)
It's hard to run two miles fast! I really felt it after 1 1/2 miles...was quite tired. I did my regular 2 mile going past the park and up Idylwood. Had planned on running at noon, but we had a hailstorm...what is up with that? Really random. It was cold (well...cold for here) and windy today. I did feel really cold at the start, but felt better once I warmed up. It feels good to have my body moving again and exercising. Although I have had some bouts of anxiety today (more than I would like), the exercise seems to be helping. I got in a mild panic about some small things today that I don't think would have normally bothered me. Might do some mood logs later...they usually help.
Thursday - Rest
Enjoyed the rest. Anxiety was very minimal today...just got stressed about Animal Science, but nothing major.
Friday - 3.13 Mile Run (Mile #1 8:07, Mile #2 16:42, Mile #3 26:59)
I felt really good. Just a little bit of shin pain (do I need new shoes already?!) and I hate running on Liberty. There was a slight rain, but more of a mist. I did my old three mile route which was not three miles so I had to add a half mile down Hrubetz to Jones and then past our house to Nina. I am trying to get under 25 minutes, but it's hard too with the uphills and the stops. My time was probably a little less...had to stop at Ash and the intersection of Liberty and Browning.
Should clarify the stops were because of cars/traffic...not because I was too tired.
Anxiety was non-existent today which was wonderful. Finally felt normal.
Saturday - Short walk (cross training) 360 Fitness Yoga
I am following Hal's program and wish I could do more with cross training. Since I dropped my gym membership, it's tough. Walking and some of the aerobic workouts on Exercise TV are my only options. I'd rather do so biking or swimming, but that won't work right now. Honestly it is not even worth our family budget right now to get a Snap Fitness membership. I have no desire to run on a treadmill even if it is raining outside. I'd rather endure the rain. I don't think it's worth it just for use of an exercise bike one or two times a week. I was hoping to buy a bike before the summer, but not sure if that is going to happen.
I like the 360 Fitness programs and Holly Perkins is awesome. I wish the yoga program was a little longer...pretty short. So I might try the Sunrise Yoga next week. Honestly Sunrise is a little crazy with all the chanting music and the weird voice over. It is a longer workout and I like the stretching. I need to do it. My whole body is feeling really tight right now.
Anxiety was again very minimal...hardly existant today. Glad about that. Last weekend I felt crazy and last week Friday was bad. I don't know if it is because I started running again that it is much more under control. Yet I didn't feel like I could start running again until it was. I don't know if that make any sense. What role does the medication play in it? It is like a big giant puzzle. I do know I was happy and energetic this fall when I was training for the marathon. I told Rob I wanted those feelings back. Without having to train for another marathon right now.
Sunday - Ran 4 miles
A little tough. My body is not where I want it to be physically. I tackled the hills and did not have to walk. I tried a new route going down Madrona and up Commerical to Browning and to the park. The hills on Browning were tough...I felt better once I was off those hills. I don't really time my long runs, but I think my pace was really fast in the 8 minute miles. I couldn't keep that up once I got past two miles. All in all, I felt pretty good. I know I just need to be consistent to get my miles back up.
Anxiety was very minimal today. I woke up at 6:14 AM...or I should Kara woke me up. I was deep in a dream when she woke me up. She went right back down with her pacifier. I never fell back asleep. My heart was beating faster than normal and for some reason my mind was racing. I kind of thought it would be a bad anxiety day...I stayed home from Sunday School because I thought it would be too much for me. It turned out to be fine and I felt pretty normal all day.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Long overdue blog giveaway

This is long overdue! Many of you supported me with your finanical donations, your prayers, your interest, watching my kids, and your encouraging words on my blogs and facebook so that I was able to complete the California International Marathon in December. I was thrilled to run my second marathon, spend a week by MYSELF in California, and run for Team Winter, a special charity dear to my heart. 12 year old Winter started this charity to create prostate cancer awareness. She said good-bye to her father who passed away from prostate cancer when she was only ten years old.
So I want to THANK YOU!! I am doing my first blog give away!! I will be giving away an official Team Winter t-shirt and prostate cancer awareness band. The t-shirts are great! The stock is somewhat limited. You will receive either a blue, gray, or black Team Winter t-shirt that you can wear to exercise in or just wear around the house. Or you can give it to your spouse or whoever you want. Just make sure you spread Winter's mission of creating prostate cancer awareness.
One of Winter's missions is also to fight childhood obesity by keeping kids (and adults too) active and healthy. So please leave a comment if you want to participate in the giveaway and you can (but you don't have to) share with me a good kid-friendly healthy meal or snack. You can even include a recipe.
Please leave a comment on this blog if you want to participate. I will contact the winner with what size you want and color t-shirt based on what Winter currently has in stock. If you already supported me with a financial donation for my marathon, you are automatically eligible for my give away. If you leave a comment on my blog, you are entered twice. I will be doing the same give away on my running blog so that will increase your chances of winning. Derek (my son) will draw the winning name at 11:00 AM (Pacific time) on Tuesday, February 15th. We'll announce the winner on both blogs.
So I want to THANK YOU!! I am doing my first blog give away!! I will be giving away an official Team Winter t-shirt and prostate cancer awareness band. The t-shirts are great! The stock is somewhat limited. You will receive either a blue, gray, or black Team Winter t-shirt that you can wear to exercise in or just wear around the house. Or you can give it to your spouse or whoever you want. Just make sure you spread Winter's mission of creating prostate cancer awareness.
One of Winter's missions is also to fight childhood obesity by keeping kids (and adults too) active and healthy. So please leave a comment if you want to participate in the giveaway and you can (but you don't have to) share with me a good kid-friendly healthy meal or snack. You can even include a recipe.
Please leave a comment on this blog if you want to participate. I will contact the winner with what size you want and color t-shirt based on what Winter currently has in stock. If you already supported me with a financial donation for my marathon, you are automatically eligible for my give away. If you leave a comment on my blog, you are entered twice. I will be doing the same give away on my running blog so that will increase your chances of winning. Derek (my son) will draw the winning name at 11:00 AM (Pacific time) on Tuesday, February 15th. We'll announce the winner on both blogs.
Thanks for supporting Team Winter!!
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