Wednesday, May 12, 2010

May 12

Ugh I am having one of those bad "stay-at-home mom" days where I can't get anything accomplished. I am trying to get ready to fly out tomorrow to Chicago and I can't even start packing. It's been a little chaotic around here. Kara has been sleeping great at night and taking a good morning nap. Afternoons lately have been super rough. I only post that here on this blog. I think there is a balance between exercise/food/moods/fatigue. I think the stress and fatigue I am feeling right now is not due to the fact I am getting up at 5:00 AM. It is more from not having much of an afternoon because Kara is not napping and when she is awake she's fussy. I know there are "off days" but it's been like this all week. I remember having a trying two weeks with Derek when he was around six months was this time of year. I feel "off" today and smothered. My energy level is not what it was on Monday when I spent almost the whole afternoon outside with the kids. It isn't that I feel like crawling into bed and sleeping. It's more like I feel like "checking out" or doing my own thing for a couple hours.

Anyway I did make it to Group Power this morning. I was a little late and hate setting up while everyone is halfway through their warm up. You would think with it being 5:15 AM, there would be a few latecomers. Not the case. I was the only one. The workout was better than Monday. I struggled again big time on the shoulders track. I still do not like the abs track. It's so confusing. I need another couple times to get it. I felt good afterwards. Then I ran for seventeen minutes (about two miles) on the treadmill. I am hoping I can get a run in this weekend while I am gone. We have a pretty packed schedule so I am not going to plan on it. At least I will not be missing any Group Power.

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