Thursday, February 9, 2023


 January Stats:

Ran = 36.29 miles

Swam = 0.5 miles

Bike = 0 miles

Hike = 11.07 miles

Kayak = 7.62 miles

Total =  55.48 miles

I have not updated this blog much this year or recorded my workouts.  In December I did the 12 days of Christmas challenge where I ran 12 days straight adding a mile each day.  Some of those days I walked.  If I gained anything out of it, I learned to love walking with Rob even if I'm mostly walking behind him.  He has such a long stride.  I learned to appreciate the trails even within my own neighborhood.  And the challenge kept me grounded mentally because I am finding December is a hard month for me.  That has been a pattern the last few years.  I always feel better after New Years.

I had thought about doing a half marathon my birthday weekend and began to train for it.  I felt overwhelmed and a bit burned out by taking on another thing so soon.  I am thinking of doing a fall marathon around Hailey's birthday in honor of her while she finishes her AIT Training at Fort Jackson.  I'd like to do a virtual challenge or possibly a virtual half.  I like the idea of doing a virtual half on Easter morning.  But I haven't found the right one yet.  I would love to do it with a friend, but I am mostly running solo these days.  My running friend moved away and I can't run in the early mornings anymore.  It does not work with my schedule at all.  Maybe my other friend can join me once in awhile.

I will post my monthly stats.  I did hit 55.48 miles in January with mostly running, one swim workout, kayaking in Florida and a few hikes.