Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Week #5

I knew the energy from last week was not going to last. It is Tuesday as I am writing this. This is how I am feeling: tired, fatigue, headache, unmotivated, irritatable, and pessimistic. I don't know why I am tired since I have been going to bed by 10 PM (and some nights even earlier!) and our schedule has been lighter. I really want to get out of this. I honestly feel like I could sleep for a few hours. When I put Derek down for his afternoon nap, it was tempting to crawl into his warm, cuddly bed with him.

Sunday - Rest

Technically I did a little bit of cross training as we hiked the South Falls at the church picnic. I had Kara on my back. It was not a grueling workout, and it was nice to get some hiking in.

Monday - Rest

I wanted to get up, but I could not. Major fatigue. Had high hopes of running later in the day, but it did not work out schedule wise. I could not go to the gym in the evening because I had to finish my article for the Banner. I was not too excited about running on the treadmill anyway.

Tuesday - Ran 3 Miles

Woke up unmotivated and fatigued again. Once I got running, I felt wonderful. I did my regular three mile run to Ewald. It felt great. Except most of the run I remembered I was supposed to go to the Dollar Tree last night and pick up baskets for VBS follow-up. I already put this off enough and Margie was coming over to assemble the baskets at 10 AM. I spent most of the run figuring out how I was going to get everyone ready, still get Kara down for a morning nap, take a shower, and get to Dollar Tree. The task seems much bigger than it actually is. We got everything done with a lot of time to spare. I feel like I cannot keep up with everything this week and this schedule or the laundry is going to eat me alive. Rob and I have had invites for Labor Day weekend and honestly we feel like being hermits and staying home. I know I can run six miles tomorrow with no problems. It is just the task of getting up and getting out the door that overwhelms me.

Wednesday - Ran 6 Miles

Bleck. What is up with this week!? I got out of bed at 6:30 AM. Barely. Sinus headache. Dehydrated. I did a new route which was a shorter version of my 11 mile route from Friday. The first few miles it was a "spitty rain." I am not ready for the rain yet. It is way too early for it. Can it please hold off for awhile!? The air is still warm so I did not feel too uncomfortable. There was a strong head wind. I really felt like turning around after Mile #1 and crawling back into bed. I felt like I could have slept another hour or two. By Mile #3 I felt a little bit better. I hate running on Kuebler. That was the most miserable part. But the back roads on Boone and Barnes and Stroh were nice. I only stopped at the lights to refuel. I was going to stop and walk a couple times, but I really just wanted to be done. Derek had already been in time out by the time I got home. The kids are "really off" from the weather change and most of us have mild colds. I am not ready for this. What happened to our beautiful Oregon autumn? We're supposed to be have a beautiful Labor Day weekend and I am holding the weather people accountable for this one.

Thursday - Group Ride

Ok...better morning. Perhaps a better day? Alarm went off at 4:50 AM and I was ready to go. I did not have as much desire to go back to sleep. The gym I work out at is now offering a morning biking class for regular cyclists or beginners. The other class they offer which is now bumped to Monday, Wednesday, and Friday is more for bike racers and triathletes. Today was the first day. It was similar to the past couple group ride classes I have gone to. I was excited that Jen was subbing because I really like her. For some reason over half the class were employees. They were all going out for breakfast afterwards and I almost wished I could have gone with. :) The workout was really good. I am still learning how to do all the gears and what not. But it is great cross training. Got home by 6:20 and got a bunch of reading done for my Small Animal Nursing class before Kara woke up. So nice to be ahead of the game today. I really need that after a rough start to the week.

Friday - Rest

Today kind of stunk. I was ready to get up and run. I got stomach problems again. I felt them coming on last night so I was not overly surprised. Something I must have eaten again. Not nearly as bad as two weeks ago, but I did not want to try and run 12 miles with it. If it were a shorter run, I would have gone. I could not make Group Power. I was going to try go to the 5 PM class, but today was the day we planned on doing VBS follow-up. Margie and I did get back until close to 5. The kids drove me absolutely nuts today and I enjoyed the long afternoon break from them. I could tell they were driving Rob crazy too when I got home. I love them to pieces, but they have been having an "off" week too. I was not at my best today. I can fully admit to that. It has been a really challenging week for me. I do not know if it is the changing of the seasons or hormones or what. I really miss the motivation I had the last two weeks. Rob has been tired all week long. Derek has been a wreck the two days he skipped his naps. Kara has been fighting naps too. Hailey seems to be doing the best around here. Maybe she can spread it to the rest of us tomorrow.

Saturday - 12 miles

Bad week. Good day. Great run. I started around 12:45 PM and got home closer to 3:00 PM. I was going to go in the morning, but Kara got up at 6:30 AM. Since we did not have anything in the afternoon and the weather is absolutely perfect (low 70's) I went in the afternoon. I did a similar route to last week, but I added a mile of course. I love the Battlecreek neighborhood. I had three people cheer me on! I stopped at my gym which is probably about Mile #6 or #7 to fill up my water bottle. I took three short walking breaks probably 1 -2 minutes and they were in the last half of the run. I am learning the art of walking before you are totally exhausted and getting the run/walk rhytmn down.

Sunday - 3 miles

The nice sunny days are such a huge motivation to go out and run. The weather was absolutely perfect again! Aside from being a little sore from yesterday, the run went great. I figured out that Hrubetz to Lone Oak to Holder to Liberty and back to Hrubetz is a three mile sqaure. The hills are not too bad. This next week is a kick back week so my long run is shorter. Because of the conference Rob is going to, I am not going to be able to go to Group Power or Group Ride. I should be able to run four times though between now and next Sunday. Hailey also starts school this week so that will shake up the schedule too. After next week, my mileage increases significantly--3 mile runs become 4, 6 mile runs become 7, and my long will be at 14. But I think I am ready for it. I am glad though I get a kick back week especially since Rob is going to be gone a good part of it.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Week #4

Monday - Group Power and Ran 3 Miles

Made it to Power. I am happy they are still doing Summer Launch because I am pretty used to the tracks. My upper thighs are not nearly as sore from all the squats. I did not feel any major pain or soreness. I do need to increase my weight though on the squats track because it is not challenging enough. All the other tracks seem to be fine. I struggled with the chest track today, but that seems to be one of my hardest.

My hardest battle is getting out of bed. Once I get there and get going, I feel great. Once I get home and start my day, I have energy. I am upbeat, sing to the radio, less irritated by one of the kids making a mess or fighting, etc. Like I said, the battle is waking up at the crack of dawn.

I also ran three miles on the treadmill at the gym. I did the 5K track and slowly increased my speed to about 6.5. I don't know how often I can do the Group Power and running in one shot. I left the house at 5 AM and was home at 7 AM. That is a long time to be away working out. Kara had been up for ten minutes and Derek was waking up. For some reason they are getting up slightly before 7 again, but they were sleeping until 8 consistently for a couple weeks. Oh well. I really don't mind because they all sleep through the night and I get my sleep too.

Tuesday - Ran 6 Miles

Really wanted to get up early so I could do some writing or studying before the kids wake up. It's the daily battle. I got out of bed just after 6 AM. I made up a route on most of the main roads - Kuebler, Sunnyside, Commercial. Aside from the long light at Kuebler, it was a good route. I would do it again. There was a few uphills, but not big ones. There is a huge downhill on Wiltsey. I honestly felt great through the whole run--from when I started running past my driveway until I got home. That was refreshing. Kara is still getting up around 6:45 AM or so. It is easier if she sleeps until 7:30 AM or so. This might happen once it is darker in the mornings. I cannot really complain because she has been napping so well and sleeping through the night.

Wednesday - Group Power

Been pretty motivated lately and feeling upbeat. So it was not a battle to get up this morning and go to Power. I struggled on the chest track and abs/core track for some reason. Everything else was good. The legs tracks are my best, but that makes sense with all the running I do. I got back home around 6:25 and was hoping to get some writing done before the kids woke up. Derek woke up at 6:37 so that was idea did not happen. Derek and later Hailey sat on the patio and watched the sun rise. That was very sweet.

Thursday - Ran 3 Miles

I ran my regular three mile route to Ewald at 6:15 AM. The sun is starting to rise later and later which makes me wonder how these morning runs are going to work. Guess I will figure that out when it is pitch black at 6 AM. Right now it's not. It was a good run. Nothing major to report. I felt like my pace was faster and I enjoyed it. Wish I would have gotten up earlier so I could get some writing done. Hailey and Derek slept until 7:30 AM and Kara until 8:45 AM so I did get some things done. We were not in a mad rush all morning to get to the MOPS event.

Friday - Ran 11 miles

Yay! I got out of bed around 6 and was out the door by around 6:18 AM. I tried a new route going through a large part of the Battlecreek neighborhood. It was a great route except I missed a turn at one point. I think my mileage was still the same because I got back to the main road. I need to look back at the map and see what happened. The hills were fine. There were quite a few, but most of them rolling. The steep one was actually a downhill on Reed or Barnes (can't remember which street). I would do the route again. The hardest part for me was the 9 - 10 mile. I started to get fatigued. I drank a whole water bottle and a half of Ultima and I know that is helping. I think when I trained for Portland four years ago, I let myself get too dehydrated. Someone said "Good job" to me around Mile #9. I wonder if I looked like I had been running for the past hour and a half. Probably. I was pretty wiped out by that point. When I have a week like when I am intention about my workouts, it is goes so much better. I feel better. I have more energy. It's all around a good thing.

Saturday - Group Ride

Went to the 8 AM Group Ride. Aside from the fact I do not have much bicycling experience, I do enjoy it as a cross training option. I know if I were to do the bike on my own in the cardio room, I would not really push myself. I would probably quit after fifteen minutes. The fifty minute class challenges me. I break a sweat and feel like I pushed myself. I do not understand the "turns" and "hills" and everything else, but I am starting to get it. I do not push myself as some of the die hard bikers because it is my cross training. Cross training is supposed to be a little bit of a break in a way. I would like to continue going once a week if I can fit in the schedule. I like it better than swimming so far.

Great week of exercise!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Week #3

Monday - Ran 3 miles

I ran later than usual around 7:15 PM. Rob was OK with it and told me to go ahead. I did my normal three mile route to Ewald. Aside from feeling sore from yesterday's run, it was fine. It was the last spell of the heat wave and I could already tell we were going to hit 90. The air was cooler and perfect, but as I got home I was starting to feel warm and sweaty.

Tuesday - Rest

I decided to take the day off from running. I was pretty sore from from the last two days. We got home from Noordams around 10 PM Monday night. After being in the pool and sun all afternoon and evening, we were worn out. It was hard for both Rob and I to get up. The kids had no problem getting up at 7 AM even though they went to bed two hours past their bedtime. Isn't that the way it goes?

Wednesday - Ran 5 miles

Again it was hard to get up because I got home from Faber's at 10:15 PM last night. My schedule is not usually like this. I love the extra time with friends this week, but it is pretty tough to get up in the morning. Derek was up around 6:30 AM. Made him stay in his room for another fifteen minutes. Hailey was also up at 6:45 AM. I felt really guility for leaving Rob with two crabby, fighting kids. I told them we were not going to start the day fighting. They started the day having a fight five minutes after they woke up. How nice. Rob said it was OK if I ran five miles. So I did my regular five mile route, but I did it in reverse. I started going towards Woodmansee Park to Sumpter to Liberty and back home. I saw that cool jet black rabbit in Woodmansee Park. I wonder if it's someone's pet? It doesn't look wild. I also saw someone brushing their teeth on the way to the bus stop. Hmmmm.....interesting.

Anyway the run felt really really good. I felt like my pace was faster. But I don't think it was. It took me the same amount of time. I felt a little dehydrated. I should have stopped at Sumpter Park to get a drink, but I really wanted to keep going.

When I got home, Hailey was having another meltdown about finishing her breakfast. Kara was up and crying. We think she is teething because she has been really clingy and crabby the last two days. It is in and out and she does not appear sick...just irritable. Thanks Rob for letting me go running. I know it was not a pleasant way to start your day. I am glad you have a quiet office to go to and don't have to deal with the chaos for the rest of your day. No actually they calmed down and did better later on.

Thursday - Rest

I did not want to get up and go running because I was gone another night with the middle schoolers. I got back around 9:45 PM, but was really tired. There was no other time to run during the day. Rob had visits and meetings. I thought about going to the gym at 9 PM when he got back. I was still researching this court case I am covering for the Banner. I really wanted to get that finished. Oh well...some days will be like that.

Friday - Group Power

Went to 9 AM Group Power and they are still doing Summer Launch. I woke up feeling very fatigued, dehydrated, and even a little dizzy. I almost thought about staying home. I knew I was not getting sick because my appetite was normal. Once I got there and set up, I felt better. I was able to keep all the same weights from last week except I went a little less on the second back and legs track. It was a good workout and I was glad I went. I am ready to not have so much in the evenings.

Saturday - Ran 3 Miles

My legs were so incredibly sore this morning and I know it was from all those squats at Power yesterday. I really pushed myself on them and increased my weight. I was squatting down this morning to pick something up for Derek and I felt the soreness. I really wanted to go running because it usually helps. Getting the muscles going again feels more comfortable.

I have been mapping out some new routes for variety. Since it has been comfortable out again, I can run in the afternoon on the weekend. I took the short way to Sumpter Park and ran through that neighborhood encircling the park and then back to Lone Oak to home. I felt sore and fatigued until about halfway and then I felt better again. It is a nice route with two little uphills that are manageable.

It's a kick back week which means my long run tomorrow is shorter. I am hoping to get it done again before church.

Sunday - Rest

Bleck. I hate missing workouts. Planned on running in the morning. Even woke up with the alarm and was planning on going. I felt gastroenteritis coming on last night. I woke up with it this morning. It was pretty mild compared to the previous times I had it. I think it was due to some fatty food I ate last night. My body cannot handle this kind of food. I did not realize I ate it until it was too late. I was preoccupied with Kara and Derek. I knew it was mild enough that I could probably run in the afternoon. At church I felt dizzy, dehydrated, and my stomach still hurt. My legs are still killing me from the squats. I almost took Tylenol this morning. I feel really irritable and crabby. I think it is from all the above. Lately on the weekends we have been able to sleep until around 7:30 AM or 8:00 AM. Kara and Derek have been getting up before 7 again. I really need to get back on my early morning routine and hit it hard this week. We have things going in the evening this week, but we won't be out past 9. So I don't anticipate not being able to get up in the morning.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Week #2

A little crazy yet also refreshing to be back at Week #2

Monday - Group Power and Ran 3 Miles

It's Summer Launch so everything at Power and every workout in every class is new. New songs too. I love Summer Launch! I remember with Spring Launch, I did not like the new workouts especially the abs/core track. This time around it's nice to have a change. The music is very 80's and 90's which is more up my alley...I didn't get into the songs as much this time around. I slept so good--straight from around 10:30 PM until the alarm went off at 4:48 AM. No kids got me up and no insomina related stuff. So I knew I could get there and be awake enough. I did not struggle on any tracks which probably means I need to increase my weights. The thing with increased weight means though I don't enjoy it as much. I enjoy it when I can do it and feel good--not when I am dying afterwards. I do know I need to push myself and not settle for "easy."

After Power I ran three miles. I don't like the treadmill at all. I like it even less since I have no iPod or headphones to hear the TVs. I washed and dried my headphones and still haven't bothered to replace them. I thought about running in the neighborhood around the gym (and I always run in this neighborhood on my long runs), but decided I would rather run in my own neighborhood. So I drove home and then did my regular three mile route to Ewald and back through Liberty. It is more difficult running after Power. I feel more fatigued and my left thigh was sore from the squats and lunges. I got through it and and did not have to walk at all.

Felt good to be back in the groove again. Hope I can keep the motivation up for awhile. I really need this time in the morning to workout.

Tuesday - Ran 5 Miles

I got up around 6:30 AM and then ran to Sumpter Park and back. It was a good run. Felt a little sore at first from working out so hard at Power the day before. Otherwise, it went well. Did not really have to walk at all, but stopped at both drinking fountains (Sumpter and Woodmansee). I am finding the extra hydration makes a huge difference--did not drink nearly as much when I used to run.

Wednesday - Group Power

Yay! The first time in I don't know how long I went to Group Power twice in one week...especially in the early morning hours. I almost decided to sleep. Then I remembered how much I loved Summer Launch and it was the perfect way to start my day. Plus I am seeing a huge difference. I increased my weight on everything except biceps. Although it was tough at times, I could complete the workouts and feel good. I had some knee pain in the warm up which concerned me a little bit. It went away, but I still have to watch that. I might have to ice my knee later today if I feel the pain again. I am just so pumped I am motivated again and out of the slump for awhile.

Thursday - Ran 3 Miles

I was going to do my three at 6:45 AM, but Derek was up already at 6:40 AM. His sleep has been better overall. It's still a frustration at times! He sleeps through the night, but the whole going to bed process has its bad moments. Right now he is going on a twenty five minutes crying rage because he will not take his nap. This is the first time in months he's done this one. He is the kind of kid who wakes up earlier when he goes to bed later...and everything gets thrown off. He gets more hyper and out of control when he's sleep deprived. It's a vicious cycle. He will probably always be this way. In many ways I am like this too. I had bad insomnia throughout my childhood starting around second grade and ending around sixth grade.

But this entry is not about sleep. I think I am just frustrated and need to write about it so I don't go physcho. :) It was an easy enough day that I could run during Rob's lunch. So I ran my old four mile route, but took Boone instead of Kuebler. I wanted to hit the hills on Boone because I hadn't done a good hill workout in a while. The hills seemed smaller and much more manageable than they did a few months ago. The hardest thing was the heat. We're slowly crawling back to the 90's where we have hardly been at all this summer. It was a good run overall.

Friday - Group Ride

It is Launch Week and there a lot of new people visiting the classes so I tried Group Ride today. It is a full hour of cycling on a stationary bike and a lot of people call it "Spin Class." I was happy that Jen was teaching because I got to know her a little bit when I was pregnant with Kara. She was always working when I came in to run/walk on the treadmills. I was told this class is super tough. It is what you want to make of it. You can put it in a tougher gear or keep it low depending on your fitness level. Everyone sweats so much! I was drenched by the end of it. I guess that is why they handed me two towels when I walked in. It was a great cross training workout and I think I would go again. It is easier for me than swimming and I feel like accomplish more. I don't want to totally give up on swimming. I think variety is good and keeps you motivated. I like the "group" aspect of cycling and it comes a little easier than trying to swim laps. The class is offered a lot so I am sure I could go on an evening or Saturday if I can't go Friday mornings.

Now 9 miles tomorrow and it is supposed to be 95 tomorrow. So I need to get an early start!

Saturday - Rest

I decided to take Saturday totally off. We were exhausted Friday night after we left Emily's reception, picked up the kids, put them to bed, and went to bed soon thereafter. I woke at 6 AM and felt fatigued. That is how I felt all day. Some of it was due to the heat (we're in the 90's for only the second this this summer) and we turned on the air conditioning first thing in the morning. Some of it was also due to a busy week. It was the first week I felt like I kept an intentional schedule and managed my time well. And got all my workouts in. That is something to be proud of.

Sunday - 9 miles

I liked doing my long run on Sunday morning. It was a great run. It is nice to be able to repeat these long runs. I am doing so much better with them than a few month ago. I mapped out a route that took me past Sumpter Park, Rees Hill City Park, and Wes Bennet and then taking Kuebler home to Sunnyside past Woodmansee. The route ended on Jones so I could walk a half mile home. That last walk is great and I look forward to it. I stopped for about 15 - 30 seconds every 1 - 1 1/2 mile to rehydrate. I felt extremely dehydrated this morning. I drank 16 oz of Ultima throughout the run. It makes a huge difference. I gave myself permission to walk up the Baxter hill. I ran up the whole thing except the last peak. It is a massive hill! It was so beautiful to see the mountains with fog sitting on them. Oregon is so beautiful! That motivated me a little bit.

On the last mile I was starting to have some shin pain so I need to watch that. Everyone was out running this morning! Probably because it is supposed to be 95 today and the heat lingers until around 8 PM. No one wants to run in that. It felt cool and comfortable this morning. So thankful we don't have humidity in Oregon...at least very, very little of it.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Week #9 which turned into Week #1

I am only posting my actual workouts now. I am following the training guide, but my schedule changes week to week. So I am not always doing the specific workout for that day.

Monday - Ran 3 Miles

I took nine days off running which I did not want to do. In a lot of ways, it was the best decision. So I was ready to go running again once we were home. I did not try to get up at the crack of dawn. I ran during Rob's lunch and went to Woodmansee Park, through it, and then back again. Aside from feeling a little winded and the heat of the day was starting to hit, I felt OK. My body is used to running in the morning when it is not as hot out. It wasn't overwhelmingly hot.

I was hoping to race a couple times this month, but I am realizing I don't want a crazy schedule. I am craving down time and more time to work on home projects. I want to focus on getting my mileage up and going to Group Power. So I might not race at all until September. We'll just see how it goes.

Tuesday - Ran 7 miles

Tough run. Could not get out bed in the morning so postponed the run until the evening. I got out around 7:45 PM and realized how much earlier it is getting dark around here. These evening runs are slowly coming to a close. Especially as it gets lighter earlier and my mileage is increasing. I ran to Browning to Commerical to Mildred back to Liberty. I honestly did not feel good. I had stomach issues throughout the run and felt fatigued. I could not "get in the zone." I was able to run the whole way except I walked for up the last half of a hill on Midred. I have run the road before, but could not remember how huge the hills are. I did not feel ready for them. I felt the best again on the last mile. I really wish my motivation was better and I was enjoying running more. I hope it is just post vacation feelings.

Wednesday - Rest

I had every intention of going to Group Power. For some odd reason Kara woke me up three times in the night. It's been a long time since she's done this (aside from when we were on vacation and she was sleeping in the Pack and Play). She went down again with a pacifier and "Goodnight" music the first two times and third she put herself back to sleep. I did not feel like I slept enough to be able to hit the gym at 5 AM. So I slept until 7:30 AM and thought about trying to run in the evening. We got back from the park event our church puts on at 8:15 PM and it was getting too dark. Kind of frustrated with the marathon training lately. I really want to be back in the schedule like I was three weeks ago.

Thursday - Ran 4 miles

I got out the door at 7 AM. I was a little concerned it was too late and Rob would have to deal with all three kids plus getting ready for work. When I came back at 7:45 AM, none of them were up yet. Derek did not get up until 8:30 AM and Kara not until 9:15 AM. I think they are getting caught up from vacation. I ran to Sumpter Park and back. I finally felt better. I felt strong and like I could tackle the hills. I am feeling more confident about doing 11 miles again this weekend. My heel is not hurting as much. I am trying to train myself to not toe out so far. I studied my shoes and realized I wear out the inside heel on my right foot so far down...like the rubber on my Sauconys is almost completely gone. I was born with two crooked feet, but they only put my left in a cast. I wore a cast for awhile and have baby pictures of myself wearing it with these special shoes that attached to it. My mom said they should have put both feet in a cast. My left leg is straight (and I have no heel problems with it) while I still toe out with my right. If I wanted to spend a lot of money, I could hire a running coach to retrain myself to run correctly. Since I am not competinig for money or titles...just running for fun...I am not real interested in doing that.

Friday - Group Power

So wonderful to be at Group Power. Very energizing. I feel much, much stronger on the leg tracks since I have putting on the miles. I increased my weight even though I had not been to Power in two weeks...and it was fine. I struggled the most on shoulders and triceps and I know it is because I don't work these areas as much. I LOVE Power...need to try to get there more often. The music was upbeat and catchy today. Everyone seemed really into it.

Ok and here is why we jumped back to Week #1. I went to the Portland Marathon website today and saw that registration is closed! I could not beleive it. I checked the website not so long ago and there was no indication of this. When I ran in 2006, I registered for the race in September. I know it was after Labor Day. I remember sending in the check. If I remember right, they were taking a few registrants the day before. Who is all running it now!? Has it really gotten that big? I know it is the most walker friendly marathons and there seem to be a lot of walking clinics that have sprung up over the years. How crazy!! That means I cannot run it! Rob told me not to freak out and we would figure something out. He is really for me running this fall and committed to it. We considered Columbia Gorge, but the problem with this one is it is two days after we're back from vacation. I don't want to spend the week before I run on vacation. It will affect my vacation and Rob didn't think it was the best idea either. Plus Columbia Gorge is a challenging course. Although I do run lots of hills, I think it would be too much. It's only my second marathon. So we decided on California International Marathon in Sacramento!! The Portland to Sacramento flight is cheap. It is December 5th. I will probably go out there by myself on that Saturday morning and come home Sunday night. My parents have dear friends in Ripon who are super hospitable and I might see if they want to meet up for supper or something. I think I will probably enjoy the alone time too. Plus the course looks awesome. I'm really, really excited and hope it works out. I am not posting it to my blog or facebook page until I am registered and it's confirmed. There's been way too many changes already!

It might be a blessing in disguise. I have more time now to work on my long runs and get my mileage up to where it should be. I also can try and get back into Group Power more often and possibly start my swimming again. The last few weeks have been way too inconsistent. We're starting to get back into our normal routine again. Plus Rob mentioned it might be fun to try a totally different marathon in a new place. I agree. I am really extroverted, but I do like taking trips by myself. I worry about getting injured and I also worry about getting sick. I know our flu season doesn't really hit until February, but now that Hailey will be in school...she'll be bringing in all kinds of new germs. I guess I can't get all wrapped up in the "what ifs." I will just do the best I can. This whole Team Winter thing was placed in my lap and I feel like God lead the way. I know He will lead me the rest of the way too. So hopefully it will be Sacramento, here I come!

Saturday - Ran 8 miles

I decided since I will probably do Sacramento at this point...to back track on the training. I missed too many long runs and I am loving the opportunity to repeat them. Of course this means I will still be training in October and November, but I actually don't mind this at all. These months are going to be less crazy and it will be cooler out...which means I can run during the day on Rob's day off.

I did Week #1's long run and I did 8 miles. I did my 9 mile route, but shaved a mile off by going to Idylwood instead of Browning. It was wonderful to finally feel good while I was running. I only really struggled on one uphill, but I did not have to stop and walk. I still love this route! I stopped and drank Ultima at the lights on Commercial and then refilled my water bottle at Woodmansee Park. It was refreshing to be able to complete a run and not feel like I was struggling the whole time.

I could have done the 11 miles this weekend like the training log would have it were still Week #9, but it would have been tough. I am glad for this chance to start over. I just keep bugging Rob I need to register for Sacramento soon as I don't want to run into the same problem!

Week #8

I took this week completely off. We were in Penticton the whole week. If we had older kids or it was just Rob and I, I could have easily gotten some runs in. There were beautiful paths along the beach. It was painful to not be able to get out there and go. We were often busy until 9 at night, the afternoons were too hot, and getting away in the morning was really difficult. Originally Rob was going to go golfing a whole morning with his brother. That was not even possible with our family's situation. It was a great vacation and I didn't feel like we were constantly running everywhere. It was just super hard to get away from the kids. Most of the time we wanted to pour all our energy into spending time with them. They got a little jipped during VBS week and the week before it. I had some activity--a short hike, lots of walking, and playing in the water with the kids. That was the extent of it.